Do you Struggle with Becoming Distracted?

Hello Brides,

So guess what my HH led me to do this morning… literally lock my door to spend time with Him! Now that it’s holidays my son tends to come into my room and then I tend to go to the kitchen to make breakfast and the next thing you know I’m busy putting the washing into the washing machine, tidying up… All those things wives and mothers do…

I’m thankful that HE showed me something THAT SIMPLE! Locking my door… I have been hearing other praise from brides… Kristine in the Netherlands mentioned how she is setting up her phone so that she cannot access any other apps EXCEPT her Bible app in the mornings…

It seems that we are all struggling with our mobiles and innocently checking messages and the next thing you know that time we set aside to be in His presence has been wasted because we became wrapped up in opening apps… checking messages… emails… reminders…

Phew it is soooo easy to get distracted and not just with our cell phones ladies. I must confess my weaknesses… Which is probably why my Husband led me to lock my door!!

I’m thankful that by the time my son eventually knocked on my door to come in I had spent the much needed time I needed to with my HH!! I was able to just lay in his presence and listen to my Bible audio because I was feeling weak… the night before I had been feeling sick and went to bed late… I was also able to spend time speaking to Him about how I was feeling and all the things I needed to do and I could tell Him about my worries and concerns! Which most of HE sorted out!! :))

And as I type HE has renewed my strength and I feel so good so much better!

I confess I was feeling a bit worried that I would not be feeling better as we are going to the beach to spend time with friends today as it is a Public Holiday here in South Africa… so I am truly thankful and grateful for His hand of healing and grace over me throughout my day as I had stuff to do!

Do you struggle with becoming distracted? Please feel free to share in the comment section I would love to hear how you have been able to overcome this difficulty!!

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2 thoughts on “Do you Struggle with Becoming Distracted?”

  1. Thank you for sharing Atarah, I struggle with the same thing, once you open your phone you get distracted by messages and mails and everything else happening on your phone…..

    He recently led me to go back to my hard copy Bibles and my AFR Streams in the Dessert softcover before I go to my phone to read my Bible app or anything else. When my kids are here, He led me to wake up before they do to have a bit of quiet time alone with Him before they wake up, which He helps me with because I also enjoy sleeping bit later over weekends and holidays and if He doesn’t wake me up, I will sleep until the kids wake me up :):).

    And I know what you mean, once they are up and want coffee and breakfast, you tend to just keep going with all the household chores :):):)

  2. Hi ladies, thank you so much for this Atarah and Adina. It was like you were describing me. 😆
    I want to go a bit further because a dear friend of mine spoke to me about how she and another friend now spends time with Him separately and then they sit and just listen to what He has to says and if they are praying about the same thing and they just listen, a lot of the times, He would show them the same or similar things.
    I confess, when I need Him to help me with something I wait on His lead, but never really sit and listen to what He has to say as part of our time together.
    Since she mentioned this, I make a point of sitting quietly doing nothing, just listening to what He has to say and if you think getting distracted reading or listening to your bible is easy, try doing nothing and see how your mind wanders around the place. 🤣
    Since practicing this, I have come away blessed every time. Sometimes He would just remind me of His love through a verse that comes to mind or sometimes He would give me direction about something I asked about but there is always something because He loves to be in conversation with us.❤️

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