EH Finally started tithing 🙌🏾

2012 was when my marriage fell apart and not long after eh divorced me. This week my EH who l remarried has for the 1st time paid his tithe to our Mens Ministry.

You can read my RMT here:

Its been a long journey but… and l say this from my heart and a smile on my face 🙂 a fulfilling one.

I have trusted, prayed, fasted, let go, won without a word, practiced kindness on my tongue and so many other principles we learn here.

But mostly l have lived as His beloved bride👰

This month l have given more than l ever have before in tithes and offerings and not just to the ministry and our LMFs but also to who my Love showed me in my personal life.

I made the decision to follow what l learned wholeheartedly in this ministry, l also made the decision to not follow any other teachings so that l would not become double minded. Gods word says “you cant serve 2 masters either you will hate the one and love the other”.

Its been a long journey and theres so much resources, check out our sitemap so you can understand why its been 11 years and im still working thru courses.

This has been the best investment into my life and its been a privilege and and honor to sow into yours. I thank you for giving to Hopeatlast because l have been blessed and been able to give.

My EH tithing? Thats just one of many answered prayers and the culmination of what l shared i have been doing over these years.

So what more can l say? im beyond blessed 🙌🏾 So to share the words of one of our brides that shared on the radio interview that l posted yesterday on the blog and please be sure to listen and comment, these brides have shared rawly from their hearts. “Tap In!!! Tap Inn!!”

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15 thoughts on “EH Finally started tithing 🙌🏾”

  1. Dear Atarah,
    Your testimony gives out hope on so many different levels. I don’t know the full story but it just lights me up knowing that with God, all things are possible. It takes faith to see through all trials but like my mother always says, “the one who laughs in the end is really the one who wins.” (sorry for the lousy translation). Praise the Lord!

  2. Thank you Gioia you have blessed me with your comment!! 🤗 its helps me know im on the right track when im posting 🙂 but mainly l need to be sure to ask my Love.

    If l must share the full story it would take quite few hours yes LOL!! You mother is a wise woman because what it takes is perseverence.. there were times l thot eh would never tithe and its been a desire of my heart for years & years!!!

    Just know He is faithful and we need need to stay committed to Him even if it takes years we can be content in His love 💗💗💗

  3. Thank you for sharing this Atarah since I am now truting that will start tithing. As I shared he got an amazing job after being unemployed for more than 3yrs after he got retrenched, his salary and perks are better than what he had before he got retrenced, and he acknowledges that it was his BF that did it. So now I am just trusting and will again www.

    1. Im so glad to hear this news about your brother Adina, we have been so blessed when it comes to tithing that we want those we love to see those same blessings in their lives 💗

  4. I’m so excited that your prayers are being answered and He is showing His great love for you. It’s praises like this that help uplift when we may be becoming weary. 😊

    1. Im so glad Hope thank you letting me know!! This is definitely a big praise that l could not miss sharing!! He sure is most definitely Hope. Showering His blessing down on my whole family. It starts with us.

  5. Oh dear Atarah, what I am reading is a great blessing, I love how our Beloved Husband does not forget any prayer, only He knows the right time, look for it and believe that if He promised it, there is no way that our eyes do not see it . I am very happy for you as a family and the great blessings that will come to you

    1. Yes perla He never never forgets!! He always answers ALL every prayer in His pergect time. Thank you for that wonderful reminder 👌👏🤗🤗🤗

  6. oh Atarah, how great is it to read this, yet another prayer your HH has answered. What a blessing you receive, i can not wait for more great testimonys that you will share with us. You are for sure blessed beyond anything that we could think of dream of. Our HH shall shower more blessings on your life and that of the one you love so dearly. When you keep doing the right things your overcome the evil with good and at the end you will reap a harvest of more blessings than you can contain. Your life will be one of overflowing blessings now that also your eartly husband is tithing. PTL

    1. Oh Kristine thank you for these kind words you bless my heart so much. Yes as the years go by l see greater and bigger blessings being poured out over me and my family as l continue to live and breathe in His love 💗

  7. Wow!! PTL!!! 🥳🥳🥳 It’s really encouraging to read your testimony Atarah! How wonderful our Heavenly Husband is, I am so happy for you and for the blessings that will pour out on your home now that both of you are tithing! It encourages me a lot and fills me with courage to continue the journey without giving up over time, it is evident that it has been a long road since 2012, blessed is the Lord who sustained you during all these years to be faithful to Him by fulfilling His commandments in the end the reward It is sweet! Your testimony and Lota’s encourage me a lot!!

    1. Anastasia YES!! EH gets paid weekly. He paid his tithe again this week without me saying a word!!! How AMAZING is that???!!! He is faithful to answer us!! I was also encouraged by Lotas testimony and l never forgot it. Here is Lotas testimony

      Its the very 1st testimony as you scroll down.

      So true Anastasia l know that so much blessings will pour down, already eh is getting backpay from his yearly increase that was not paid to him!!!! 🙌🏾💗🙌🏾

  8. Very lovely to see how He is working in your life and those surrounding you , how He answers prayers for us, He is so sweet , thanks for sharing and encouring to never give up hope, because our hope is Him!!!

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