EH led the kids to sing thanksgiving song 🤗

Sweet ladies,

my heart rejoices so much! And I praise my Beloved for two great  things.
the first one: When I came to RMI, I had to apologize to my EH for making a deal that I will be the spiritual leader of our family and led it to him. Firstly, he has accepted but, as I mentioned before, after our quick restoration many things with my EH went even worse and he regretted to be the spiritual leader. So I am asking my Beloved to lead me correctly so that I do not stand in the way for my eh but I say the important things to our kids they should know. I have teached them one thanksgiving song before the meal and they loved it.  Today I was busy with my baby and I could not start the song and the kids were so hungry that they started to eat immediately. But PTL my eh stopped them and started the thanksgiving song himself..vuav I was so surprised and so happy. I believe that my Beloved will make him our spiritual leader one day in perfect timing and if not, no problem, because He has it under control.
second: Ladies, sitting together and having lunch is so huge for me. We did not make it for almost 6 years, only very rarely. My EH did not want to. This was one of the things we were fighting for before I found RMI. I really had to let it go and in the hands of my Beloved. It tooks almost 6 years, but now we love to eat like a family. Between the time He prepared me, taught me to cook the food my EH likes, gave me the strength to make it for someone who is many times bad behaving to me and at the end led me to reorganize our kitchen so that we can comfortably sit there with the special kids chairs.Thank youuuuuuu.  Ladies, He hears our each cry and He uses the time of our non-favorite time of waiting for preparing us and the others. He is working all the time. THank you my sweet my sweet Love

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10 thoughts on “EH led the kids to sing thanksgiving song 🤗”

  1. How lovely to see this praise report from Anissa who is a former minister from Slovakia!! :))

    Anissa I am still waiting for my Husband to complete HIS good work in my EH, I would LOVE for eh to lead us as a family in reading His word and to become a Wise Man. I can definitely see many changes happening after many years of letting it go…. He is faithful!!

    Here are all the Spiritual leader lessons ladies

    My Spiritual Leader: Part 1

    My Spiritual Leader: Part 2

    1. Yes my dear Atarah, me too…and these small clouds are giving me so much hope and increase my faith so much!!! have a blessed day my dear!!! 😘🌟❤️

  2. I have a smile from ear to ear for your testimony Anissa, how beautiful that we praise for the steps and changes that we see in our homes. Like you Anissa I am waiting for my HH to make my husband the spiritual leader of my home, like you Anissa, I failed in this, but I trust that my Beloved will give us double for the shame!
    Your testimonials inspire me, ladies!! Thanks, Atarah for your valuable comment!!

  3. Thank you for sharing this praise report Anissa. I loved when you said no problem, He has it under control, He really has everything under control.

    1. yes Janine, He has…it so great that we can be always in peace..I was reading recently the book Prison to Praise and the principle described there is so powerfull!!!

  4. How exciting. I am happy to hear how He is working on your family and the great blessings that are coming your way. 😊

    1. thank you Hope darling, there is still a lot of work with our family…but with Him, it is with much more peace, joy and less and less and less pain🙏🌟❤️ have a great sunday darling 💃😘

  5. Thank you, Anissa, for sharing this praise! It is an encouragement to me since this is an area my EH and I also struggled. We both played into the misconception that since I knew more about the Bible than him that I should take the lead in these matters. I so foolishly tried to teach HIM and was often wrong…

    I am also pleased to see you taking the time to recognize and thank the Lord for these small movements in answer to prayer. They can be so easy to miss!

    1. ou yes Dina, I understand you so much, I thought I will show and tell him about the cristians l

      1. I am sorry, I have sent it accidentaly before finishing…well I thought he will change his life and will be christian when I will show him how great it is…🙈🙈🙈 so big mistake..thanks God for his mercy and the promise: everything (also our mistakes) serves for good those who love Him 🙏🙏🙏

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