“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, ever IMAGINE, dare to ask or even DREAM of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.” E320

Yvonne will tell you that I’ve spoken to her about the desire I’ve had for the longest time to turn our focus from JUST restoring marriages to focusing on HIM. Just uttering this treasonist statement has caused undue attacks on me personally and on RMI—one such attack caused more than a dozen ex-ministers to turn into the most dangerous terrorist (not just returning to being contentious women no longer exhibiting the “gentle and quiet spirit that is precious in the sight of GOD) that ultimately destroyed the English ministry, which of course, GOD used for good in order that we could focus on many other Languages!

The TRUTH is easily found in the book that everyone clung to, and it’s blatantly there in the TITLE “How GOD Can and Will Restore Your Marriage” for heaven’s sake—it’s even in capital letters how GOD, not how WE can restore our marriages or any other relationship for that matter.

It’s ONLY through our relationship with HIM, with GOD’s only Son, that we can first be healed and then restored. Any other god, especially a husband or your marriage, will not be tolerated by GOD. He says He’s a jealous God, right?

Then it began to HAPPEN. He began to give me the desires of my heart when we revised our home page https://hopeatlast.com/ with MANY ways GOD restores our lives.

Next, in a blink of an eye, it was almost like Hope At Last had heart bypass surgery—by HIS own hands! http://marriagehelponline.com/ removed the questionnaire and it was temporarily put on a bypass machine the EW BLOG https://encouragingwomen.org/ and then shortly after, it was rerouted back to a REIMAGINED page, a vault filled with encouragement that I’ll continue to work on as He leads me.

EV “Encouragement Vault for 💔 Broken Marriages” https://hopeatlast.com/ev/

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3 thoughts on “EV Page REIMAGINED”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing, it is so sad to hear how women turned against the ministry. Only GOD can restore marriages, relationships, finances and lives. It is not what WE do that will restore anything in our lives. It is amazing to reach the point where you can just let go of “trying” and surrender your will for HIS will, whether that means a restored marriage or not. There is freedom and peace in letting go.

    I also came here broken, desperate and without hope, but through doing the courses and allowing Him to do the work in me and heal me, He helped me to reach that point where I am at peace with whatever He has planned for me.

    1. Dear Erin, it is sad but but heart warming to see how God is turning it for the good. Because I just earlier said to Yvonne how in a short while God is turning my life around and I’m realizing how I was missing the point and yes became bitter and now I become all emotional (but in a healing way) when He let me realize yesterday it’s all about HIM.

  2. Hello Erin, thank you for sharing this new page to us. all the encouragement and help what a lady who comes the ministry, broken in spirit and rejected by a love one, can start their journey after reading this page.

    When i came to the ministry i also had the idea that if i read and follow the principles than everything is going to be restored. The title of the book did not really got into my mind. I also got my faith in the ministry. But now 3.5 years later my heart has turn to HIM and His Word what gives me comfort and healing, i am His bride and His church and secondly if HE will restore my marriage or not, i will be also oke, because i know that i can not have anything of anyone that can take better care of me than my HH. This time with Him is amazing.

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