Focusing on Others STEP 1: The least of these. Suffer the little children. Get God's attention by focusing on the least of theseâfrom babies to toddlers, through teens and young adult women who have not yet married. Or you may be drawn to ministering to the elderly who will soon meet their Maker. Whether you are a parent or have friends or family with childrenâsimply ASK GOD how He wants you to focus on the children who need spiritual guidance and His love. Just let HIM do it. Remember, it's children who hold the face of God, which is the perfect place for YOU to be.
Focusing on Others STEP 2:Â For all Eternity. To put your current crisis (or the former that you arrived here with) into perspective, our time here is temporary, and only God knows how long or short it is for MANY people in your life. Salvation for those you love, those you meet, and those God wants to use you to plant salvation seeds, gently water by just loving them, or to be ready to harvestâSalvation Stories will keep this alive in your hearts.

Focusing on Others STEP 3: RMIOU guides you as you focus on others, and that's when you unleash an incredible powerâwhen you think of others more important than yourself, like Melanie, Restored After 10 YEARS!!!Â
What's wonderful about RMIOU â â â â â is that it's not a temporary secular educationâ what you learn is knowledge and wisdom that's eternal. Even a Master's degree from a Christian College won't serve to heal and give you the wisdom to help stop the epidemic of broken marriages and broken homes. Nor will you go into debt.
RMIOU is entirely free, and it's made possible by single mothers, abandoned and destitute women who were cheated onâwomen just like you. How? They came here to look for Relationship Hope and then discovered Financial Hope.
Just think about this before you rush offâ"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for His people from another place...yet, who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?âÂ

As promised in your questionnaire, here is the list of other issues you may have checked with the path linked to continuing your healing and finding help, such as at our Crisis Corner. Do you suffer from:
â "Custody issues?" #Custody  #HGM Custody
â "Feeling suicidal?" #ThankfulnessTherapy
â "Feeling depressed?" Faithfully go to God's
â "Being Abused or molested as a child?" - Begin with reading My Prince of Peace and this Restoration Journey Novel Â
â "Committing adultery and needing help?" - Read Gen's Testimony and #ItWasMe
â "RESTOREDunFULFILLED" - Read Janine's Testimony and #RESTOREDunFULFILLED