
Get help over ALL your Hurdles and Fears
Lesson on Fasting Facebook
Take the step to HEALING—Fast Facebook:
Here's a video to know how.
Here’s the lesson that explains why.
"Your testimonies also are my delight; they are my counselors"— Psalm 119:24
1 Peter 3:8—
“For, the one who desires life, to love and see good days, must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking guile and must turn AWAY from evil and do good; He must seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, and His ears attend to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.
"Who is there to harm you if you prove zealous for what is good?”
Become an Encouraging Woman
SUBMIT your own Overcoming a Hurdle PRAISE Report about Fasting Facebook
★★★★★ Testimonies
★★★★★ “FB: Tempted to Rekindle old Romances”
I'd like to share HOW my HH helped me let go of my fear to move forward. Also to share a little about how the hurdle I had to overcome and the blessings He has blessed me with since I was able to let go and moved closer to being His bride. He helped me get over Milestone #3. Fasting Facebook after I read the lesson. I had been a member of Facebook since 2007, before I was married. My EH opened up an account after I encouraged him to do so. I posted everything on Facebook, all of my wedding pics and children's pics.
My HH spoke to me recently about just coming off of all social media. I wanted to check on previous exes lives to make myself feel better, but in the end, I deleted my Facebook account because I knew it wasn't benefiting me and I needed to come to a place of not having to take comfort from other people's discomfort. I realized also that if I kept checking on people who were in my EH life, I would eventually be hurt because I was looking for what he was up to and I knew it was bad for me. I have become so much more grateful and thankful as well as this I can see my EH through the eyes of my Lord. I also am not tempted to rekindle old romances to find comfort. I am in love with my HH.
Dear bride. Please do not try and look at what your EH is doing. Fasting Facebook because you may be tempted to post something that will reveal that you have NOT let go of your EH. Also, embrace and seek the Lord and His will for your life and You will find the ultimate comfort in the Lord. He will not leave you, nor forsake you, because He is not a man that He should lie and deceive you. You will find letting go is easier once You trust the Lord who knit you together and knows you intimately.
Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? We can trust Him to bring about the promises He has made.
Hebrews 13:5 "Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
~ Fiona in South Africa
★★★★★ “FB: My Heart's Complete Healing"
At the beginning of my journey, I kept opening and closing my FB account looking for "validation" and a sense that I still mattered. I was deeply injured and was busy being nosy looking into other people's lives so I wouldn't have to focus on mine. After doing this several times, the Lord spoke to me about deleting my account as you encourage us to do. Even though my daughter is a senior and graduating this year, I thought just to keep it open to post about her year would be okay, the Lord showed me how FB ruined my marriage all these years and how I allowed it! I don't need to share anything more.
I realized if God wants certain people to be at my daughter's graduation, they will be there. I also was shown that family and friends were on my account just to spy, judge, or pray against my marriage! Everything with the Lord should be done in secret, in our secret place, our prayer closet. He is the only One we need to share happy moments with. He is the only one we need to thank with special moments, like graduation.
Since deleting my account, my Beloved is all I need and want, they don't have it. I am seeking Him every spare moment. He has led me to understand that my heart's complete healing and restoring to Him will require me to obey and let go and delete social media because it has no value in my life or in my restoration journey. It has also shown me not to "give my husband any more ammunition" because that is what he mentioned. His family was telling him what I would post and would twist things around. Please close your social media and give your Beloved your all. He will make all things right, He will right all the lies and the wrongs. Give it all to Him and grow in Him. Let Him heal and restore your heart. Let Him be your all!!! Because you are worthy. Social media does not define us or make us worthy, only He does!!
"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." Revelation 3:15-16
★★★★★ A Beach Towel to Cry Into
Today I Praising God about Fasting and "letting go" of my Facebook. Thank the Lord! and thank-you Ministry for all the information. I, too, was guilty of sending very emotional texts. I never thought of sending them to myself (the Lord via my account) so this is something I am doing instead. Today I Praising God about Fasting and "letting go" of my Facebook. Thank the Lord! and thank-you Ministry for all the information. I, too, was guilty of sending very emotional texts. I never thought of sending them to myself (the Lord via my account) so this is something I am doing instead.
The last time I sent an emotional text telling my husband that I wanted to grow old with him and how could he do this to us, etc,( you know the rest) he text back that he did not want to hurt me or fight with me, so he would not be coming to see me anymore. That scared me. After listening to wisdom on this site, I have been much better about the texts, almost zero. I am now so grateful that I do not participate in social media, but will pray for those who do, so they do not use this to hurt themselves.
I also confess that I sent him cards, and he said they make him feel bad, and he does not want to feel bad so he's keeping his distance from me! Again, this site has helped me rethink my actions. I am taking my emotions to the Lord in prayer on my knees. I am not crying as much for some reason. I actually had a beach towel by my bed to cry into because the tissues were not enough. I am praying more, reading more scripture and crying less. Thank you RMI.
Prov. 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and rely not on your own understanding; Acknowledge him in all ways and he will keep your paths straight.
I no longer consider my circumstances but know that our God is the alpha and omega of my story.
Ps. 46:10Be still and know that I am God.Quit trying to manipulate your circumstances and allow the will of God to unfold.
~ Madison of Florida
★★★★★ “Made Me Lose Sight”
I am so happy, so free! I used to be tied up by so much doubt and hurting, but every day now I grow and feel closer to my Love, and the more I understand, the more my mind is renewed and I feel so at peace.
I used to want to spy on my EH in secret on FB and thought that it wasn't a big sin at all, but later my love pointed out to me how it was and i was letting the enemy have a stronger hold on me, because every time i checked i didn’t see anything that hurt me. Until one time that i checked and i did, and it broke me and made me lose sight of my Love.
Since that moment i realized every time i let myself do that i was giving into the enemy and letting him have a stronger hold on me. Now that it has been made so clear to me that that is what is going on, I ask my Love to help me and He has. I keep my eyes on the Lord now. I have deleted all my social accounts and don't look into that anymore. Thank you my love!
"Perfect Love cast out all fear" (1 John 4:18)
Whenever I fail to understand how perfect his love is when I doubt but the second I realize how much he loves us is the moment we are unstoppable.
"Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10)
No matter what it looks like, God is greater and we need to be still and wait for him to guide us in every aspect of our lives.
~ Dayana in Arizona
★★★★★ “Letting Go of FB Stress”
Facebook has been a point of contention in our house for a while. My husband didn’t care for the fact that I spent so much time on it. I notice my son in law doesn't care for it either, when my daughter does it. I also didn't care for the fact that my nine year old granddaughter was noticing that sometimes I wouldn't pay attention to her to check my feed. Not good. Then my husband started his own page and lied about it, I found he was friends with several women. Of course, I confronted him, and I kept checking to see what he was up to. Reality was I was perpetrating a perfect front for my friends and family to see, when it was the furthest thing from the truth. By the time it was suggested to me in the FB Lesson, I already knew it was time. It was hard at first, it had become an obsession, but it really freed up my time and has made my life more at peace. I have time to invest in my God, myself and my family. And I don’t really want to know what is going on with my husband anymore, I don't need the stress. God is working, that’s all I need to know.
Friend, I know what you are going through, but trust that God loves you and doesn't intend for us to live a fearful life .Pray for faith, and let go. Of your husband,your Facebook, it’s freeing and liberating. Let God carry you, he won’t fail you. It’s too exhausting, and we are to wear the world as a loose garment. Believe me, you won’t regret it,..
“You need not fight in this battle,station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf. Do not fear or dismay, the Lord is with you.” (2 Chronicles 20:17)
~ Beata in Florida
★★★★★ “Just Decided to Delete It”
When I first started these courses, I would find myself on Facebook all the time. I wanted to pass my time just not thinking of my situation but reading what other people were doing. Right before reading the course on Letting Go of social media, I had told myself I needed to close out my account because my husband never liked it. Well, one day, I just decided to delete my account. A week later, I read the chapter on letting Go, and boy, was I glad I did. I never thought I would be able to do it, but I did, with GOD's help, I did not "crave" it anymore. Instead, I started focusing more on the word of GOD. I would spend all my spare time reading the bible or listening to sermons online. My whole life was dedicated to our Lord and Savior. I longed to get closer to HIM and the only way that would be possible was to let go and concentrate on my relationship with the LORD. Let me tell, you, nothing is too difficult when you have JESUS in your life.
I could hardly wait to get home from work so that I could start reading the bible or just writing down on my 3x5 cards the verses I would read on these courses. Ladies, no matter what is happening, or what you hear or see, never take your eyes off the LORD. He will get you through it all. Concentrate on the WORD and He will show you mighty things. I am living proof that GOD does work miracles. I never saw myself here and now, I see myself a totally different person than I was 3 months ago. GOD really worked in my life. He has molded me and changed me completely. I trust HIM with all my problems. I have learned to let go of all of my concerns and let HIM deal with them. I worry no more. THANK YOU LORD!!
“The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I have been saved from my enemies. The cords of death entangled me; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me. The cords of the grave coiled around me; the snares of death confronted me. In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.” (Psalms 18 1-6)
I would read this when I felt afraid and lonely, which was almost everyday-- I would read this and I would just feel so loved and filled with the HOLY SPIRIT.
~ Mía in New Mexico
★★★★★ “Don’t Even Miss It”
I am on the last day of a 7-day fast. Fasting from food, online games, and Facebook. Though hard at times (the not eating), it has been wonderful and a perfect way to finish off such a trying year. It has actually been easier than I thought. I don't even miss Facebook and think I will continue fasting from that for longer.
My weakness in my body helped me with a phone call from my grandfather. I was too weak and my throat too dry and to argue or say much at all. I just sat there and agreed with him and told him I loved him. Then I layed down and prayed.
I don't need social media, there is so much in it that is against God, and watching a lot of it and being glued to what's going on takes away so much of my precious time with my Beloved.
I have had so much more time to pray and be in the Word. It's amazing and wonderful and so much more peaceful.
"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." (Proverbs 15:1)
“They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Be gentle, quiet, and agreeable.” (Psalm 112:7)
Trust God and let his truth speak louder than anything others say. He always has a plan and good things for you.
~ Kimberly in Wyoming
★★★★★ “Has My Undivided Attention”
My HH continually amazes me! He speaks to me constantly but I am so hard headed that a lot of times He has to physically show me to get my undivided attention.
I have recently been seeking social media to occupy my time which has led to slacking with my daily obligations and my time with Him. My Beloved had been speaking to me about this but I just would not listen so He physically had to show me through my morning’s Encourager, Wednesday, November 25, 2015 “Freed From Social Media”, to get my attention. It was almost like I was reading my own story!!
Thank You my HH for being so patient and never giving up on me! Thank you for giving Danielle in Maryland the desire to praise You, and thank you Danielle for letting Him speak through you.
“For great is His love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord.” (Psalms 117:2 NIV)
~ Kristi in Texas
★★★★★ “Fasting Facebook Leads to Ministering Opportunities and RESTORATION!!”
When I came I was separated and I started on the RMI courses right away. Wow God is truly faithful ! Since I am on maternity leave which means, this leave has turned into a spiritual leave and I'm loving every moment of it! In the last month the holy spirit has been prompting me to go on a Facebook fast, I've been resisting for sometime now.
Well this week I decided to get on it for 7 days, one of my prayer points is for God to help me walk in my calling and to experience the glow, contentment and fulfillment spoken about in the lessons. Boy oh boy the glow is so overwhelming, everyone I come into contact with feels God's presence and they just want to stay in my presence. This can only be God!! I'm so much at peace despite my marital situation.
At this point, my husband wasn’t not home yet, but he has asked me to join him to a meeting with his psychologist to bring closure to our situation. I didn’t know what this meant, but I knew that God is in control. In the midst of all this and my Facebook fast, on day 3 of the FB fast, I got a text message from a friend of mine from church asking me to talk with her colleague who is facing challenges in her marriage, I got excited and humbled myself before the Lord to use me as he sees fit. Day 4, again after prayer another friend referred her cousin to me who is faced with marital challenges and asked if I can talk with her, praise God. I am ready and willing to walk in my calling! Whatever God wants me to do, I will gladly do it! Praise God for restoring me back to him as my First love by letting go of FB completely. Step by step He will leads us and I choose to follow Him in all of my ways.
~ Busela in South Africa
★★★★★ “NO Need Social Media in my Life!”
Though I thought of myself as shy, He brought to mind how different I was when it came to social media. I was confident and didn’t have any problem telling the world what I thought when I can hide behind my iphone. In social media, I wanted to be the center of attention! I was not shy about showing off. But in the public, like in the workplace, where people see me physically, I was different.
I realize now that I didn’t want them to see what I was really like. I didn’t want them to see this other side of me. I just wanted them to know the Gen at work they see. And with all honesty I must confess that is because no matter how I try to justify my reasons for posting things in social media, the truth was, I wanted to show off and be the center of attention. I wanted to be seen and be validated by other people’s acceptance through it.
He revealed to me just now that it is because I knew deep down, my attitude in social media was embarrassing and that I didn’t want to see rejection and be the topic of conversation at work!! Where in social media, no one has ever said any unkind things to me which can happen in face to face situations!!
It is in this journey with the Lord that I learned, I do not need social media in my life. I foolishly believed I couldn’t exist without it. I even self-righteously thought that it just isn’t normal in this age and time not to have an account. It was shallow of me to assume that everyone else values social media the same way I did. I was a foolish fool not knowing there are more important things.
When my life fell apart, all the things I thought mattered no longer did. And when I started to know the Lord, He lovingly showed me incredible truths! I am not the star. He is. I am just a servant. And by His mercy, I can now say that I am a servant who loves my Master. And I am so grateful that I finally understand this. I wouldn’t dream of competing with Him for attention!!! No, He is the One who should be at the center of it all!!
He showed me that there was something missing in my life that I was trying to fill with the wrong things. Craving all this attention for myself. Once I understood the truth that it was Him who has been missing all along, it was like everything started to make sense. I’ve always said He was the most important missing piece. And truly, He is. And I didn’t need to look for validation elsewhere. Because I am His. It is all the truth I need.
~ Joy in Nevada
It Was Me
★★★★★ Radiant
Now I also show up for work on Monday mornings which shouldn't be funny but it is, and I roll pretty well with the punches as I enjoy making my co-workers smile, even if at my expense. Because I've been “hidden” from the rest of the world (i.e. deactivated FB a week and a half ago) and don't go many places, my co-workers are really the only ones that see the changes.
I believe that as they see the changes, they are puzzled but are also complimenting me on how “fabulous” I look. I've lost 10 lbs in these past two months working out, eating healthy and not drinking alcohol. I also RADIATE because of the Lord. I don’t say this in a self-praising way, but I totally see it! I'm smiling even when everything inside me is so sad. I make it a point to "thank God" and thank Him some more by loving on someone that needs it. 🙂
~Mary in Arizona
★★★★★ “God is All We Need”
“May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be blessed! He is the compassionate Father and God of all comfort. He’s the One who comforts us in all our trouble so that we can comfort other people who are in every kind of trouble. We offer the same comfort that we ourselves received from God. That is because we receive so much comfort through Christ in the same way that we share so many of Christ’s sufferings.” (2 Cor. 1:3-5 CEB)
“Enjoy the Lord, and He will give what your heart asks.” (Ps. 37:4 CEB)
Praise Lord, He is ALL we need!!
After I let go of “wechat” and facebook last month, I was able to focus on Jesus, our Lord who is the compassionate Father and God of all comfort. I felt so released. God was able to reveal to me that He is the One who comforts us in all our trouble. I used to seek friends and pastor’s comfort and I acted like a victim. I knew I was a sinner, but I never got to the stage to really confess my sins and my wrong doing. I even boasted of myself and mislead others to fight with their husbands. In some stages, I was very judgmental toward those brothers and sisters who left the church. Then I became very judgmental toward pastors and sisters who stayed at church after I left church. All my focuses were on others and this world. So I became very self-righteousness to the stage I thought I was the only one who knew God and was following God’s way. How proud and arrogant I was! I thank God for leading me to this ministry and I thank Erin for teaching me the truth to trust God and seek God in every situation. I now ask God and praise God and pray for God’s Will be done in whatever I do.
Letting go of “wechat” and facebook has given me more time to learn God’s Word and be transformed to His image and to be delighted in Him. He gave what my heart asked – a full time job.
Letting go of “wechat and facebook has enabled me to focus on God. So I know God is all I need. I can boast that nothing in this world can overcome or control me or come against me, for God is with me. He is my Shield, my Refuge, my Comforter, my Healer, my Provider, my Maker and my Heavenly Husband. I have more than I deserve.
~ Lily in Australia
★★★★★ Deactivated FB
I began talking RMIEW courses in December 2013. In November 2013, I knew that God wanted my undivided attention so that He could teach me another side of His character. I started with disassociating myself with all social media. I deactivated my Facebook account and later I disassociated myself with my old email account. My friends on Facebook began asking questions and wondering why they could no longer find me. When I began reading some of the course material for RMIEW, I was on the right track.
~ Letitia in Georgia
★★★★★ “Addicted to My First Love”
I just want to write a PR about overcoming a hurdle-fasting Facebook. I was never a fan of Facebook, I never wanted to share my private life with "unknown people." But later I fell into this trap. I saw how much time I spent on FB and I knew it was not right but always found the excuses why to continue to do this.
When I was going through Renewing Your Mind course the first time and read about fasting Facebook, I just said to myself that this is not important for me because I never post anything on the wall. And all what I read was just inspirational verses or scriptures and I thought this was important for me. So many excuses.
But the devil was trying to be clever. Just a few days later I just found something that took my breath away and I knew it was message from the Lord that if I wanted to obey, I have to obey in everything.
So I want to give Him praise that He helped me to overcome this hurdle, that I don't have FB anymore, that I can spend more time with Him and I’m not tempted to check things, which are not for my eyes!!!
And now my life is so peaceful. Because I put everything into the hands of My Lord, my Protector, my only Love, who is really taking care of every tiny aspect of my life.
And I am happy that He helped me to see something good in it. Its really freeing not to have any addiction. Life with Him is the best addiction. Thank you my Lord for everything what you have done for me.
★★★★★ “Letting Go of FB”
Today I let go of my Facebook Page, and its all for His Glory! You see I had been holding on to my FB page for sometime now. Last year my son linked my business page to my personal FB page, and for whatever reason I kept holding on to it. So today I read my lesson again and realized that the Holy Spirit was talking to me, PTL, He says my sheep shall know My voice! I was obedient and I let go of the page and I am excited to see what my HH has in store for me, for my business minus the Facebook page. Ladies you can do it, trust me I loved FB but after the storm came into my life I begin to go on the page less and less and less. I realized that this could be a potential issue or problem if information regarding our family was displayed.
So it feels so free and so amazing to pass this milestone and its clear to me that it is not that hard to let go. I ask my HH to clean my heart and to make changes in me to identify the very things that I must let go of. Well He is not a man that lies and He will give us the desires in our heart. Today I let go and I know that if I never see the reward here on this earth that I will see it in heaven :).
Also in the lesson it talked about our voicemail, texting, phones and voicemail messages. This really helped me because now I know the things to say and how to respond and to make my message on my cell phone short and sweet. I can tell you I was that person who was quick to respond, had to pick up and had the long professional voice message. PTL for the changes He is making in me. I love my HH. He is turning me into His beautiful bride. :).
Today is a beautiful day and I knew something amazing was going to happen and it did! It is all for His glory!
~ Lynette in New Jersey
Ministry Note: Due to Lynnette’s obedience and even for the sin of neglect as Isaiah 40:2 says, “Speak kindly . . . And call out to her, that her warfare has ended, that her iniquity has been removed, that she has received of the LORD'S hand DOUBLE for all her sins.”
Due to the obedience of just ONE woman, the doors finally flew open for a new Team He told us about but we were waiting for His appointed time.. For our Ministers, who each let go of their FB accounts, are now preparing to joining forces to minister on Facebook—using the same destructive venue to help Encourage women who don’t know the truth about marriage and knowing Him personally!
★★★★★ “Conquering Mt. Facebook”
At the very beginning of my restoration journey, I sent an email through Facebook to someone. I regretted my actions immediately and deleted my account so I wouldn't fall into that trap again.
However, I had another Facebook account in my maiden name, which most of my circle of friends did not know about. This account contained all my old school friends and a few groups I joined. I thought it would be fine to keep that one since I didn’t really post much on there anyway. A woman who I knew for a long time, though not close friends with her, found my Facebook account under my maiden name and sent me a message. She stated that my EH told her everything that happened and she was sorry. I was really upset by this email because it meant that my EH contacted this woman, whom we hardly knew, told her all about our private details, who then told me.
I found out that my EH now has a Facebook account. I looked at his account and saw that most of his "friends" were women, which upset me further. I told myself not to look at his page and for the most part, I stayed away but the temptation was still there.
I felt that God wanted me to delete my account to protect me from others contacting me and to remove that temptation to check his page. I kept putting it off because my son’s play group uses Facebook to post information about our weekly play dates. I also have a friend who was having a baby, and I was waiting for the baby pictures. After reading today's Renew course about Facebook, I decided it was time to just delete it. There would always be a reason to keep delaying it so I didn’t wait a moment longer. I went in and deactivated it. Praise God its GONE!!
~Stephanie in Australia
Ministry Note: Stephanie’s PR is timely as just yesterday I read that one of the leading causes of divorce is Facebook. It’s named as a prime cause of divorce, even destroying a good marriage— information which we add to the Establishing Strong and Lasting Relationships lesson to help women understand the danger.
★★★★★ “Overcoming Temptation”
I did it! I deleted the Facebook app from my phone and my iPad! This has weighed heavy on me for a long time, but it needed to be done. It was after reading the Restored Testimony of Linda in Illinois in my Day 6, RYM Week 1. Reading about how she dropped from Facebook and went into "hiding" helped me to do the same. It makes so much sense! Every time I would tell myself I needed to delete Facebook, I would come up with an excuse like "I only use it to keep up with family/friends and photos.” Honestly, I wasted more time at the end of the day just scrolling through my newsfeed of people I don't really keep up with! I know that deep in my heart whenever I post something, I was hoping my ex-husband will see it and be intrigued. I realized that I just have to stop. Like the scripture says, he will be "won without a word". Thank you Lord for allowing me to overcome this one obstacle in my restoration journey!
~ Erin in South Carolina
★★★★★ “Freed From Social Media”
Lately, I was beginning to find myself looking more and more at Facebook and Instagram. A few months back I removed the audible alerts as to not tempt me to look at Facebook as much because of negativity and distraction. I admit I used the excuses of needing Facebook to promote my band, or what if a music opportunity presents itself and I don't get the message. At the end of the day, I know all these are meaningless excuses in the grand scheme of God's plan. I spend a lot of time on both and today's lesson about Fasting Facebook was right on time. I had been feeling the pull to stop being on Facebook and decided to remove it and Instagram from my phone. I admit to posting pics and being concerned with how many likes I get or thinking about what kind of stuff I should post to get likes, all the while faking like I don't care about the acceptance.
I am not friends with my (ex)husband on Facebook or IG, but I once made the mistake about a month ago of going to his page and seeing something that hurt my feelings, so I'd been careful not to do that anymore. I admit to wanting to comment on the posts of mutual friends so he would see it, or hoping he would look at my posts and think about me, but this is all me trying to 'help' God, like he needs my help. Males will try to interact with me through my inbox and not having access to FB will eliminate all of that. I repent of this and praise God for his faithfulness and gentle prodding to put you on the right path. I know He wants more of me and this way I will be able to focus more on Him and my journey of restoration ultimately to my Abba Father and my Lord and savior, then my marriage. He has reconciled me to Him and I know it is His will that I be free from ALL distractions in this season, including people, social media, and television. Even as I type, the enemy tries to bring many pressures to respond to things which ultimately keep me from spending time with God. Sometimes I have to turn my phone on silent just to get time to devote to God and the courses. I am so behind in the courses, and surely social media has been high on the list of distractions. I should have been done by now, but I have not stopped praying.
I am thankful that I am now free from the pressures of social media, and I am praying that His grace and mercy will keep my strong. I praise God for opening my eyes to the enemy's tactics and keeping me aware so I can remain sober and vigilant to stay on the right path. Praise God!
~ Danielle in Maryland
I promise that if you are faithful to do this EXERCISE each and EVERY time you are faced with having to deal with emails, texts, and/or voice messages, I GUARANTEE you will live a life with MORE PEACE and will see your restoration moving forward without the usual 2 steps forward, then 3 steps back!