God can do anything

Good morning dear brides it’s Tiffany
As some of you know, I am the one who left the marriage and committed adultery as some of you. Also know I have five children who I left as well and since there are five of them, they have five different personalities so my restoration with my children is very different , the youngest of my children, her name is pearl will be 10 years old on February 6 she was 3 1/2 when I left also by the way, the Lord completely healed her from autism thank you Jesus she is a walking talking testimony so since she was so small, she doesn’t fully remember me about a month ago she told my other daughter Madison I don’t really remember her but I don’t hate her and one day when I’m ready I will talk to her so that immediately gave me joy now fast forward to about 10 days ago Madison asked me for some money so that her and pearl could get manicures and pedicures my kids do not live with me. They are with their father in Florida so I told Madison she could use my debit card and when they were done, Madison called me on FaceTime to show me her nails and then, oh my goodness and then pearl said hi thank you for my nails and I told her oh my goodness your nails are so beautiful and then my signal died which was terrible but that’s OK because Madison has been telling her that I am her mother and pearl and I talk on FaceTime from time to time and she laughs and she smiles and she tells me thank you when I give her gifts and she does know now that she has a mother which is so amazing because for a long time she didn’t understand she thought that mothers would come and go thank you Jesus hallelujah glory to you my heavenly father and my heavenly husband. I didn’t know when I would ever get to have any communication with that little girl because the last time I talked to my baby was literally over six years ago. God is so wonderful please hang in there if you are waiting for anything, please know, that with God, nothing is impossible. My heart is so full and I have tears in my eyes as I’m sharing this testimony with you because God is restoring my relationship with my children one by one if he can do this for me he can do anything for you.

See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland.

Isaiah 43:19

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6 thoughts on “God can do anything”

  1. Amen!! Yes He is doing a knew thing, can we perceive it? love that. Tiffany you never cease to amaze me whenever you share praise about how the Lord is restoring your relationship with your children 🙂 it is beautiful to witness. I can’t wait to hear more because I know He will complete the good work He started.

    Phillipians 1:6 AMPC
    And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.

    I love this version that says that He will continue and bring it to full completion.

    Thanks for coming here to post your praise it was so nice to see your message on Instagram.

  2. Awwh Tiffany I love hearing from you and the miracles He is doing in your life by restoring your relationships with your children. And I love that verse that Atarah shared: “Yes He is doing a knew thing, can we perceive it?” because it is a verse that is very close to my heart.

    Your praises are so encouraging because it shows how much mercy and love He has for us, that no matter how we messed up, when we grab on to Him and become His bride, He will turn everything around for good and do exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ever dream of!

  3. Aaahhhh Tiffany I am so happy with you that our HH is bring restoration with your children and it just brings a warmness to my heart and I am excited for more testimonies that will come from you about you and your children.

  4. 🥳🥳🥳🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🤗🤗🤗 oh Tiffany YES YES YES GOD CAN DO ANYTHING—everything!!! Giving us the desires of our hearts when we look to Him and HIM alone to do the impossible. I’m overwhelmed by emotion hearing your account and how God orchestrated this beautiful praise of yours.
    I didn’t actually check but I didn’t remember seeing your name commenting on Adina’s incredible series on Custody Loss https://homegrownministries.com/tag/mcl-2/
    You deserve ongoing encouragement that I am certain you will find by reading these and leaving hope for the many mothers who are suffering through this loss from a different source and who need healing ❤️‍🩹 and testimonies like yours to overcome. God bless you Darling. Madison and Pearl are both blessed to have you A Wiser Woman with a gentle and quiet spirit precious to us and most importantly in the sight of God. 💗💗💗

    1. Thank you God bless you and your family Erin I sent you an email you are amazing and this whole ministry is amazing and God is just so glorious and wonderful today is her birthday and I’m trying to stay strong and because of Jesus I’m doing good but when I got your email I know that it was a sign from God to help me to stay strong today. Thank you.

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