God Comforted Me and Bought Me Peace

Hi Ladies! I have another praise to share with you even though we don’t know who the author is, who wrote this, nevertheless, I just wanted to share it with you, and hope that you will leave a comment if it resonates with you.

“All praises be to the most High! My marriage has been renewed.

It started when I found a receipt with the OW name on it, then she called and I confronted my EH and he confessed. He later told me that he made a conscious decision to love her and that he wanted to practice polygamy and make her his second wife. He had already been with her for a year by this time . I left the house but I felt God tell me to go back home. That he would restore my marriage.

My EH did not leave and treated me better than he had over the course of our marriage but I knew it was not my HH will that I be a co wife. His word says man should leave father and mother and be united as one flesh.

For 9 months I tried everything I could to “help” my HH restore my marriage, it only resulted in tears and pain. I woke up and went to sleep in pain. I felt like everything was hopeless. I knew I was being tested but I was failing miserably. I asked my HH for the cheat code and by divine appointment he led me to the website. I began reading the information and knew that my HH had answered my prayer.

In November of 2022, I ordered the RYM book and then the testimonies, later I downloaded the videos and began to put into practice what I was reading. Was I perfect? No, but I began to see that I too was a Pharisee, God was my Savior but not my Lord. I was spiteful, contentious, manipulative, demeaning, a liar and a gossip. I was a woman’s libber and despised my EH for his “caveman” mentality. I thank the Lord for showing me, myself through this test, for humbling me and teaching me how to be a better wife to my EH. I had also made my marriage and the affair with the OW an idol and my HH showed me that I need to put Him back on the throne of my heart.

Things began to change in me, more so than in my EH. My EH still continued to be loving and kind but still saw the OW and told me that they discussed him spending every weekend with her. This devastated me and I began to doubt that my HH would ever change his heart and mind about taking another wife. We are not Muslim but my husband had converted to being a Hebrew Israelite and said God permits multiple wives. I reminded him that we took vows to forsake all others but he said those vows were broken and void because we had both been unfaithful previously in our marriage. I questioned God about it and he gave me these 2 scriptures to assure me that this was not his will for my marriage. Deuteronomy 17:17 and 1 Peter 2:13 which basically says a man should not have multiple wives and though he gives us free will, we must obey the laws of the land. In this land polygamy is illegal!

I knew my restoration was at hand because my HH told me that he would restore my marriage and he is not a God that he should lie and his word would not return void.

While I waited, my HH took away the pain and the fear and comforted me and for that I am grateful. He also allowed me to sleep more peacefully than I had in months.

I am so thankful and so grateful to my HH who has redeemed my life from the pit. I am not sure how my HH will remove the OW from our lives and turn my husband’s heart. But I know he will and I can’t wait to share with you how he does it.

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