God is working out something even greater


I came here on my knees asking God for a different way. Everyone around me was encouraging me to give up and walk away, give into the world way. Get a lawyer and finish it. I knew in my heart that "God hates divorce." and that was not what I was supposed to do but I did not have a template or manual. This was it!!! It will change your life if you follow the principles just as you would with any other academic course.

The testimonies keep me going. Whenever I get to far from the teaching, course or testimonies I can feel the world start to seep back in and gods truth in the background. I get back into the testimonies and they encourage me to remember "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD."

I was doing what I thought I should. Pursuing my husband, and always calling and texting. Showing up at his house, trying everything I thought I could so he would come home to his family. I was exhausted and humiliated. When I started applying the principles I found such a sense of PEACE like never before. I let go of my prayer team who I in some ways had made idols and went to them before the LORD.

Dear bride, hang on as the LORD is going to take you through the valley onto the mountain top. SEEK Him in all that you do. Make Him front and centre in your life and things will begin to change!!! You!


Honestly, I wish I had read this book before now, but the Lord knew this would be the moment it would be most helpful to me. The principles contained in the book have built me up in such an amazing way. It covers every aspect of my life as a woman and most importantly, it points me to God. My focus shifts from my crisis to God, and that is what makes the difference, when He takes over and becomes the center of attention. I would recommend this book to all the women, even those who don't believe in the Bible. Each time I hear of a woman going through a marital situation, the book comes to mind. I have shared the principles with my sister and my friend, I know very soon, I will get the opportunity of sharing it with more women. I now believe that God has to work on 'you' as an individual, get you aligned to the way He created you to be , draw you to himself and then the rest will follow. If He has done it for me, he can most certainly do it for any woman out there who would only cry out to him and submit to HIS will. It's a book worth reading over and over, every time to renew your mind.

When I first discovered this site, it was the testimony I read that caught my attention. In as much as i could relate to the woman in the testimony and the situation she was in, it was God's amazing way of turning things around that caught my attention. This, I keep reading in all the testimonies; like God just has a unique way of bringing out his own and showing them to the word. His power is simply amazing. Each testimony shows the reader that God is seeking those who go after Him with their whole heart. It's not about religion, it's about a relationship with HIM. The reuniting of husband and wife is just the icing of the cake after God has worked on the hearts and transformed the minds. These 'Testimony Books' are worth reading, they give so much hope of what God can do and is able to do, if you are willing to SEEK HIM and TRUST HIM. They show God's faithfulness to His promises, His might, power and love. He never fails, what he has promised, he will surely fulfill.

When i found this site, my marriage was very shaken, i had no direction, no focus, no plan. I was looking for answers since none of those around me could guide me along my journey, so you can guess how confused I was. Even worse, since i was not at peace with myself, being home with my children and husband was really difficult for me, I was constantly crying but with no solutions. My husband and I were not talking to each other much, it was a question and answer kind of life. But now, at the end of course 1, though my husband is still with OW, I am able to go through the day without shedding a tear. Even though the situation hurts, I am learning to trust God more and to learn to lean on Him. We can now sit and have a conversation, even though I see that God is yet to soften my husbands heart and bring him to repentance, it's so much better now. These may be baby steps, but with the heaviness gone, i know God is working out something even greater.

My Dear Sister, I am glad to have taken this course and to have this opportunity of blessing you with this gift. See, in this life we go through trials, but we should be of God cheer because Christ has overcome them all. Whatever state your life or marriage is in right now, it's a phase that will pass. God is using this moment to perfect you so that you can come out pure when the trial is all over. Through the trial, you learn to see God's faithfulness in the little things. When you believe His word and apply it by faith, the results follow. This is what I am doing in my life. Prior to this, I have realized that the nagging and shouting only made things worse. So instead of nagging, I am learning to apply God's principles and waiting on Him to act according to what He has spoken in His word. When you go to God first and seek Him, in His word and in prayer, it makes a lot of difference and the load is much lighter. I will continue to applying this principle even after am restored and I encourage you to do the same.


Hello my name is kim and i would like to share with you a book called How God Can And Will Restore Your Marraige. It has changed my life and therefore I want you to have it.

Yes I recommend WOTT, the testimonies show how great God is. And it's good for people that are hopeless to read this book In order to see that there is hope no matter what.

My marriage has been desrtoyed because I was insecure, selfish, rebellious, proud, contentious and thought everything has to be done my way, it gradually overtime changed into a friendship because we completely stopped intimacy and my husband became cold in his feelings for me. I didn't know what to do, so i started praying for my marriage and watching other standers testimonies but they would testify but never told me steps or principles to follow by using the word of God. So I would watch but still feel hopeless, I started to do warfare prayers to the point of exaution, because I never knew about giving my battles to God. Then I planted a seed at my previous church that I now let go of and the seed I planted was on the behalf of my marriage. This seed was from my heart because I wanted God to change my husband but instead he directed me the day after I planted the seed to search for help online for my marriage when I found an encourager video on YouTube that lead me to RMI. When I found the hopeatlast website and read this is your devine appointment I knew God answered my prayers through the seed I planted. Then I devoured the information in the book How God Can And Will Restore Your Marraige. I started to apply the principles and my focus started to change from trying to change my eh and from pursuing my eh with pursuing the change inside of me and with pursuing my HH. My eh told me he no longer loves me and to him I'm just a friend but since I read FAL my focus changed again to pursuing a deeper intimacy with Jesus one that lead me to completely gave myself to Jesus to the point that I no longer cry or feel hurt anymore. But God is still working inside of me.

I would like to say to a woman on the team that has been helping me and other women God bless you, and to any new bride be encouraged and strong. Jesus is with you and I pray Father God for a hurting woman she may be sad but joy awaits her through your son Jesus. Bless her heart and strengthen her amen. I may not be able to donate and give back now financially as I wish to because it's my honor to help other females but one day I will contribute financially to RMI. I shared RMI on social media and I told others about RMI and I will continue to do so. love from me to all the team members ❤❤

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