He is longing to be gracious to you

Trinidad & Tobago

Certainly ,just reading the book the first time silenced all the doubts and false information that caused destruction in my marriage

yes of course every time I read a testimony I learn something new

Before finding this ministry, these courses and the book How God Can and will restore your marriage has caused me to see how much of an ungodly wife I was,when I go through these courses and look back at how much of a bad example I was seeing that this is the fourth time I'm standing I was extremely ashamed and felt like I have embarrassed my Heavenly father. I am still unsure of why he did not lead MT to this ministry from the beginning but he knows all things and I trust him.But I'm certain that this is piece that I've been missing, I've seen the light and I will not return to darkness.

All along you've been living in darkness but now your Heavenly Father has brought his son to lead you into the light!

New Jersey
husband is remarried

I would totally recommend how God can and will restore your marriage to any woman whether you are single divorced or even have never been married because this will change your life and strengthen your relationship with God

Of course I would recommend the testimonies because they will encourage you to see that God is always working and that he is a miracle maker please don’t ever say well my situation is different and God cannot help me because that is not true

I was the one in adultery and I left he is now remarried God sent me this through my cousin and it has blessed me so much I don’t know where God is taking you but I’m excited to go on this journey with My Heavenly husband

I know maybe you feel like your world is crashing down and like you’ll never be happy again but that is not true we serve a God of miracles and please remember he is longing to be gracious to you take him as your heavenly husband and God can and will restore your marriage


I would definitely recommend How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage to any and every woman. This is the book that all women should be reading to prepare for marriage and while going through marriage struggles. It is all filled with Gods truth and will help heal any situation!

These powerful testimonies were so wonderful to read. They really helped encourage me when I was feeling hopeless. The world and people around us constantly tell us to move on, but it was encouraging to see other women going through similar situations. What always stood out to me and what I liked to read was how close the women are to their Husbands now. I loved reading that! I want to experience that!

My marriage situation has been absolutely hopeless, but after finding this ministry I have experienced a lot of great things. First I finally have a relationship with my Husband. I have a peaceful relationship with my EH for the first time in forever. I had a second daughter. All of these great things are only because I followed the principles that this book outlines and developed a relationship with my Husband.

I am currently a tithing partner. Please be encouraged in this journey! It is a hard journey but through the lows you will experience such great highs! All of this is under control and He knows exactly what you need. Don’t rush this and trust that He will help you experience True Love.

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