He is the One getting my finances in order !!!!!

Hello Dearest ladies,

Today I want to give praise for how my HH is getting my finances in order – a testimony on tithing.

And let me just say I have been provided for in so many wonderful ways I honestly can not explain it or how He has done it but He has been the one getting my finances in order.

Okay, so getting back to the big praise.

When I had to move into my apartment it was the week when lockdowns started… I had no idea that the teaching work I relied on then would be gone. I did have some part-time bookkeeping work that I was able to rely on, but it barely covered my levies. My earthly father helped for a while though he was retiring so he wasn’t able to continue. I had to pay levies, internet, and rates & taxes and then take on medical aid along with food, and petrol ( the usual monthly expenses).
So every month I tried to pay my levies and internet and medical aid but the other bills started becoming overdue.

In the meantime, I was trying to fix my relationship and failing until I found RMI and learned about letting go and tithing and trusting the Lord, and being obedient to Him.
So I began tithing and slowly things started turning around.
I was able to pay off most of the overdue accounts this past December.
However, I still was very overdue on my rates and taxes.

On the day, I was leaving for the airport for the Wisewoman retreat in Cape town (February).
I received a call saying that my rates & taxes account had been handed over to a debt-collecting agency.
Ladies, I was so unsure what to do – I didn’t know what this meant – but I knew it involved legal matters and I prayed for the Lord to help me.
I had been that 60% of it had to be paid in two weeks’ time.
I was calm and gentle on the phone and gently thanked the lady on the line for informing me of the situation.
I kindly asked her if it was at all possible to pay 50% of it in two weeks’ time as I did not have the funds and would need to make arrangements.
Ladies I had no idea what I was going to do or even how I would arrange the funds.
They agreed and allowed me two weeks to pay half the debt and then three months to pay the other amount in installments.

I was worried and prayed to the Lord to help me but I also didn’t know what the legal implications were and how I was going to pay for all of this. I tried to make a mental plan that maybe if I got paid halfway through the month that I could use that to pay for the debt – and then I didn’t know how I’d get through the month.
I didn’t speak to anyone about it yet as I was on the way to the Wise woman retreat.

At the wise woman retreat the South African team prayed in agreement early Sunday morning for our provision and that we were trusting our HH to provide for us. I believe that this moved our HH to act swiftly in our situations.
And I am in awe of how He has helped me.

I was led to speak to my earthly father about it to ask him what the legal implications were and I told him I had made a plan.
My earthly father often asks about my finances and how I am doing/coping.
However, as he is retired I knew he wouldn’t be able to assist me so I didn’t ask him to help me.

Ladies the Lord moved in my father’s heart and called me later that week to tell me that he would take some savings and send it to me to help me with the first payment. I told him I was okay and that I would make a plan. He insisted and I knew I had to accept as it would mean he would receive a blessing.
So I was able to pay off half of what I was owing before the two weeks were due.
I was so relieved and thanked my father and the Lord.

I believed that I would somehow manage to make the next installments and that the Lord would help me to earn enough each month. Thinking that it would still take three more months.

Then another thing happened – my earthly father called me again a few weeks later and said he was sending me some more funds so I could pay the outstanding debt. I was in shock as I hadn’t asked him but he insisted.

Ladies, because of the Lord’s provision, I was able to pay off more than two years’ worth of overdue amounts in less than two months.
I was so in shock and couldn’t believe how the Lord was blessing me.
And to top it all off this month I (somehow) have earned enough to cover all my monthly expenses.

So all I can do is say thank you, Lord.
You are the one getting my finances in order and blessing me beyond measure.

I actually feel so overwhelmed and look around in my ‘little apartment’ and feel so ‘rich’ and provided for and filled with abundance.
And it’s not about any earthly possession but its ‘rich’ in being filled with His Love and His wisdom and His peace.

Lord, You are all that I need and Lord You are all that I want and You are all that I live for.
And with you Lord, I have all that I need and I have all that I want and You are all that I live for!!!

Ladies, be encouraged 🙂

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5 thoughts on “He is the One getting my finances in order !!!!!”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful praise, He did hear our prayers that Sunday morning and He acted in our situations. He is so good and faithful if we put Him first in everything including our finances.

  2. Ohhh my dear sweet Alina, that morning we prayed was definitely Him bringing us together as His Brides to act on our behalves. As I type I’m feeling so overwhelmed because He provided for each one of us. It has been amazing to read Janine, Adina and now your testimony of praise \o/ I’m so thankful to Him for looking after you soooo well!! And you are so blessed to have such a wonderful earthly father, may the Lord bless Him abundantly! Surely HE laid it on your dads heart to help you not once but twice!!

  3. Ailinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Wow!!! I am speechless!! What a praise!!!! Praise the Lord always!!! He is our provider!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise Him always!!!!!!!

  4. How exciting Alina, this testimony excites me greatly, because of the ways and means you use to bless us, through your words it shows us that He can become our provider as long as we give Him the place to be

  5. Thank you Alina, I enjoyed reading how He is providing for you! I am so elated to year that He has used your father to bless you, I cannot wait to hear how He will use this to also bless your dear father.

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