He Made a Way for Me

Dear Ladies, l was reminded today of praise 🙌🏾 that l must share which l was reminded of because a close friend reached out to me for encouragement after going through a crisis…

Last year before l got my Drivers License l was involved in a minor accident… what was so horrifying about it was that l did not have my drivers license when it happened…😢

What happened is that it was a very rainy day… visibility was bad and l reversed into another vehicle. There were minor scratches… the car was a beautiful electric blue… I gave my details and l was contacted weeks later with a quote to fix the paint.

I immediately and throughout the whole process took it to my Husband. He led me to agree and request to pay off the amount.

My praise is this and this is what l shared with my friend because what happened was that their dog was mauled by a monkey and the vet costs are huge, they need to pay 2 different vets and the amounts owed is 10’s of thousands of rands… 🙏

My praise that l could share about how my Husband made a way and provided 🙌🏾 it was between me and Him and He made a way for me to pay the lady off within 5 months… I did not complain about the amount of the quote… in fact… only my Husband to this day knows if it was fair… He made a way for me, provided for me and worked it out for me 🙌🏾

I am praying for my friend that their dogs stay at the vet in the animal hospital will not be too long so that the amount is not so huge but l know she is worried.

Looking back and sharing this praise with my friend l could tell her that HE WILL make a way!!! He WILL provide!!! He did for me so He would for her!!

As long as she stays close to Him and bring Him her concerns HE is the best Husband and will take care of it but she must not be anxious because his word says do not be anxious.

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Today l have my drivers license 🙌🏾 but l was too ashamed to tell anybody or to share the praise at that time because l didn’t have my license…. 😏

Today I’m sooo thankful that through the struggle and difficulty l want through He worked it out for my GOOD like HE ALWAYS does!!! And l was able to share my testimony with a friend who needed to hear it!!

I’m reminded over and over again that every trial that you or l go through is never for nothing… as long as we are entrusting our trials to our Husband He will work it out for our good AND we get to share our praise with others 🙌🏾

If you are reminded of a praise to share then please go ahead and share it by going to the menu under “Post Your Praise”.

I’m glad that I was reminded so l could come and share this PRAISE today 🙌🏾

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4 thoughts on “He Made a Way for Me”

  1. What a wonderful testimony and praise, Atarah. As I read it, I couldn’t help but think of this promise that is so true and it’s a HUGE reason why our husband our maker calls us to go through difficulties
    If you hadn’t gone through what you had grabbed a hold of his hand, and traveled through… That valley, none of us, choose to go into— then how could you truly comfort and encourage your friend in the way that you were able to do?
    Dear brides can any of you relate? Do you also have a testimony? If so, comment or better yet post a Praise. It’s right up there on the menu.

  2. On a practical know, Atarah, yesterday, my husband like me to move your status to AUTHOR that I believe you will begin doing more with other, Encouraging women who are offering hope at last through comments and posted praise.
    I’m not entirely sure, but I believe it will allow you and other authors to post without having to be approved thus coming together as one body to feed his sheep 🐑 proving our love for Him. https://biblehub.com/john/21-17.htm

  3. Thanks so much Erin because I was just wondering how I could post the WW lesson which I have just completed 🙌 I really hope that other encouraging women will also post their praise https://hopeatlast.com/pr/ offering hope at Last and become Authors too 😎 that is really exiting!!

  4. What wonderful praise Atarah!! That He softened her heart to let you pay it off and I can totally understand how you would feel embarrassed. My minor incident was when I scratched my car on a post at the children’s daycare. I was so embarrassed because I did not have my license by then for long and I was wondering what everyone would say. And of course, you remember how we had trouble with the car I hired when I came to visit you and I was so nervous that I kept stalling it or breaking too hard, but we had so much fun laughing about my driving :):):) Hahaha, how He uses all our little mistakes for so much good because the next time I had to hire a car, I was able to tell Him I want to enjoy driving it and I did sooo much. You remember how the second time I visited it was easier for me. It was all because of Him!

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