Healed Suddenly!!

Hello Brides, today l want to share with you about how suddenly my HH healed me!!

On Sunday l don't know what l did or how l did it but I was walking and stretched my arm.. l must have jerked it..but then l realised that l had hurt myself..

On Monday l could not lift my arm above my head, l could not even tie up my hair without excruciating pain... l also struggled to hang up washing...

Since I'm in honeymoon with my LOVE right now.. We had loadshedding so l had the perfect time to spend with Him and ask Him to heal me 🙏 l prayed my healing scriptures that l will share with you.

Its good to have a list of healing scriptures that you keep somewhere ladies l can't tell you HOW MANY times I have gone back to these same scriptures over and over for healing!

Ladies Sunday is when l hurt myself, Monday morning l really struggled because it was so painful. By Monday early evening the pain was gone!! Literally.. no pain.

I have found that some pain takes a while to go away and sometimes it does not take long.. I'm also grateful because I'm finding that l hardly need any pain tablets and l hardly take pain tablets. And it's all HIM.

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5 thoughts on “Healed Suddenly!!”

  1. Wow Atarah i’m glad that he healed you. This is so amazing because as I’m reading your testimony, I have some pain in my left shoulder and my arm, and when I am in pain or sick, I do ask God to heal me, but I’ve never thought about having certain scriptures. Put aside to pray for healing, so God bless you for sharing this once again I am so glad that he took away your pain. All glory and honor goes to our father God, and to our heavenly husband. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  2. Thank you my dear for sharing these scriptures!! One of my twins had a bad stomachache, and we decided to pray and trust in the Lord!! She is feeling much better, but I will share these verses with her!!

  3. Thank you, Atarah, what a beautiful testimony and how He healed you so wonderfully. Praise our Heavenly Husband for His healing!

  4. Thank you Atarah, just yesterday I did something wrong in the gym (I am always very careful to do everything correctly) and since then my right arm is in pain from my wrist to my shoulder. Your praise came at the right time, thank you!!

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