Help me Find Life

We received another heart breaking note from Priceless, she shares:

"I don't think my marriage will be restored. He remarried, has 3 children with the OW, took my kids from me and jeeps me in debt to him for thousands of dollars." ~ Priceless

Previously Priceless shared with us:

LACKS Wisdom ASK God

Again my heart breaks reading this knowing that He wants Priceless to find her Abundant Life where Adina and other brides share so much of their personal journeys on the L@L Blog

5 thoughts on “Help me Find Life”


    My husband spoke to me about Priceless who we have known for many many years. The wisdom He gave me was based on this principle and while grabbing the link this version sums it up the best.
    “Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.“
    No doubt FEAR that we all know is keeping Priceless going against the principles and promises we encourage here. It’s not due to ignorance because she’s been with us so long and has been personally ministered to personally by generations of ministers.
    Sadly the truth is if you take the world’s advice you will suffer the consequences. And for us to continue to minister and encourage is doing Priceless harm. We are basically saying it’s OK to not follow the principles when we know how dangerous it is and we’ve seen it and the terrible prickly snares she’s been in tangled and suffering through four years.

    It’s better to be hot or cold but not lukewarm mixing both.
    It’s time to choose
    We can encourage you but only if you are committed so you can reap the rewards. If not we need to let go.

  2. I am in agreement with you on this Erin, I know He has the abundant life for all of us, but we need to grab it with both arms and not following the principles that He sets out for us, hinders us from that.

  3. I am also in agreement its so important for each of us to embrace each biblical principal while moving forward to the next. There is an Abundant Life for each one of us but we need to remember

    “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who by faith have testified to the truth of God’s absolute faithfulness], stripping off every unnecessary weight and the sin which so easily and cleverly entangles us, let us run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us,”

    And not be double minded

    “But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.”

    1. Just popped in to remind you and the other ministers to please dethrone scripture references.
      Replace with GOD SAID and/or merely “quote Him” since many religions and people who have been wounded by the church will NOT read it seeing the Bible reference as a 🛑 stop ✋🏻 sign.
      Normally I’d fix it but I’ll leave that to you and also to add this reminder to TPR snippets. Thanks Atarah 🤗

  4. Also in agreement, I’ve seen how surrendering my life changed my journey into an Abundant Journey with Him and He was there next to me, holding my hand during every trail, giving me peace and joy despite everything.

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