His Love ❤ is Greater🙌 than we Can Imagine 💞

Dear ladies 🙂,

First of all I want to thank my Beloved for His unfailing love and care for me and my children. He has enriched my life so much in many areas. He cares and helps me with/for everything that I can’t do. I love him very much.

And secondly I would like to encourage you with this Bible verse 1 John 4:9-12. And please meditate and let it sink deep into your heart;

“And God showed his love for us by sending his only Son into the world, so that we might have life through him. This is what love is: it is not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the means by which our sins are forgiven. Dear friends, if this is how God loved us, then we should love one another. No one has ever seen God, but if we love one another, God lives in union with us, and his love is made perfect in us.”

For you who don’t know me, I’m Kristine (BNN) and I’ve been divorced for almost 4 years now. When I came here at RMI in an inexplicable way I didn’t quite know what to expect. I was completely grounded. My former husband was gone, my kids were gone, I couldn’t work from all the stress so I was home sick and on top of that three weeks before I found HopeAtLast.com I was told I was going through a divorce. Which meant I would have to leave my house. Because I couldn’t afford it with my salary alone. I went through a deep valley. But all the while my BELOVED  💞 was with me. Which I didn’t really realize then but DEFINITELY do now.

OH dear brides, HE is so wonderful 🥰. Now several years later HE is just as faithful to give me hope when I need it. Because last night I woke up wondering how I can become a minister or how to encourage other women here at RMI. What I’ve always longed for.  While my own marriage hasn’t yet restored. This question has been on my mind a few times over the past few months. But you know what… He knows what He is doing and He knew long before I had this question that I would ask Him. For the cunning thing about this question is that you could give up being an encouraging women to others He brings to you on your journey.

So last night as I was talking to Him, He led me to the chapter “His Bride”  🌹. Like you, I ended up here because I was desperate for answers and solutions to get my marriage back. When the divorce went through, it was a relief to know there was still hope 🥳. But the best part was discovering that you and I are His brides in the first place and that He is our Man. So if you think you are currently living without a man, that is the first change and renewal that you can take into your heart. By now I had fallen asleep but not quite sure what to answer if someone asked me how can you encourage others. So He led me to the book of 1 John 2 where you can read about love for one another. And tell yourself, isn’t love to tell others of the good news we hear and read here. After all, it is through our testimonies that we overcome the enemy. It is because of His love that we have now been given a second chance for the hope of a second marriage and this time with Him there.

Anyway….I’m not that easy to convince. And fortunately my Beloved knows that. He knows me through and through. So when I asked Him the third time where I could firmly plant my feet, He led my to a restored marriage testimony on Youtube. At the end of the video, the partner asked for a sign from our Lord if their marriage would be restored. And by His love they got a special Word. Giving them the strength and encouragement not to give up.

Whatever relationship you seek recovery for. The love of the Heavenly Father is perfect. His love is perfect. And because we have fellowship with His Son, and are His brides in the first place, His love poured out in our hearts by His Spirit, we can love. And what better way than to tell and encourage others that there is still hope for recovery for whatever you desire it. I have now come to know the best Man and He loves me and you.

Finally, I would like to encourage you with this Restore Marriage Testimony, it is a beautiful story. The best thing I got out of this testimony is that this bride has learned. That we have not only come here at RMI for the restoration of our marriage but also to (Follow in Erin’s footsteps, she teaches us to be sweet, kind and true to our purpose, not just to have a restored marriage, it’s a purpose to be women who will impact the lives of other women, our children, our generation.)

Letting go of my past and the desires for my future is a struggle for me right now. I do not know why. But He does and in spite of that my Beloved is gaining more and more space in my heart every day. Because He lets me see and know that where I am right now is the best place to be. So that i will not give up. And all because He is the most faithfull, most beautifull, most handsome, most intelligent and wisest Husband I can have and as a father to my children.

For whatever reason you came to RMI, don’t give up, even if you don’t understand some of the things that happen in your life. He knows what He’s doing, His love will never leave you.

Lots of love 😍

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4 thoughts on “His Love ❤ is Greater🙌 than we Can Imagine 💞”

  1. Wow Kristine, I needed to read your beautiful testimony and you are so right He knows what He is doing and this is just a confirmation that where I am right now is the best place to be, because I was at a place in my life where I had the question where to I want to go, what do I want to do, because our Heavenly Husband knows what He is doing and I am just at this specific time and place where He wants me and what an awesome reassurance that His love will never ever leave us and He knows what He is doing, I needed this.

  2. 😭🤗 precious Kristine there’s so much I want to say so I’ll need my husband to guide me so it doesn’t get too long.
    First, I have to thank you for sharing the link to his bride https://loveatlast.org/his-bride/ because my husband had me open it and I found the beautiful love song 🎵 there and it was just so beautiful as I thought about him, singing it to me and I just began to boo-hoo 😭 feeling so so so loved.
    Next I want to thank you for sharing a bit about your story because though I know you quite well, I’d love to learn more about you.
    Maybe what I’m most thankful for was hearing how are you were tricked and lied to by the liar himself following pray to one of his most clever schemes that’s been perpetuated for years and years here at RMI. Our value as ministers has nothing at all to do with being restored to an earthly husband, but has everything to do with being restored, and falling in love with our HEAVENLY Husband. Not every marriage is restored, because many, maybe even most, get to the place where God turns the heart of their husband back to them, they choose HIM over being married.
    When Paul wrote to the Corinthians, he was very clear that if I husband leave, we are to remain married or reconciled. But he goes on to say it’s better to stay unmarried so we can be devoted to the things of God, and not distracted by caring for a husband. We are given a choice. Of course, our choice should always be what our heavenly husband longs for us to do, which may be to remarry, even if our husbands divorce us, as was in my situation.
    Yet getting back to what you have to minister about, has nothing at all to do with an earthly marriage restoration whatsoever. We can leave that to God while we focus on the love of our lives who will heal us, and for his love, and to us, so that we can love others with that same love. This is the type of ministry that changes lives as you well know Kristine.
    I hope to see more and more ministering from you and Ministering from your phone rather than your computer. It’s easy to tell because from our phones we say much less and it’s more from our heart that’s real and raw and open. (You also won’t see any linked words, but the URL will just be open like mine above).
    Do you know what? You’ve ministered to me and so so so many ways I’m going to go post a Praise on the https://encouragingwomen.org/ and post to praise Encouraging all of our ministry team members to put away their computers, or at least use them very very sparingly and instead minister from their phones 📱

  3. Thank you Erin, for your encouragement, at first a question myself if i would post this as a PRAISE. Because to be real with tears in my eyes i post it. I am so glad to read that i am not alone or the only one that had these thoughts.
    I am on my phone now and not on my light chromebook what normally is next to my bed. But still too big😅. I am happy for knowing you and the way you use the wisdom of your HH to teach/encourage us. On this journey.

  4. My dearest Kristine, thank you so much for sharing this. I at one stage had the same question, how do I encourage others when I am divorced, my fh remarried and my children doesn’t stay with me most of the time. I felt like I have nothing to offer, but then He reminded me that I actually do and more than I might think. From my childhood growing up in a home with alcoholic parents, to my divorce and the custody battle. How He helped me to come through everything and held my hand and walked with me. He gave me hope for my own life and situation, and that is the hope I must share with others going through the same.

    Although I know He was always with me, even as a young girl, I knew He was there, I knew He was real, I only really encountered Him when my marriage reached crisis point and I didn’t want to continue anymore, I wanted to give up and just be done with it. But He didn’t allow me to feel like that and through my encounter with Him, He showed me that there is hope and that is when I started searching for help and found RMI which just felt right from the moment I started the C1, I just knew this is where He wanted me to be.

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