“I Hate Divorce” P1 A Wise Woman in Waiting

“‘For I hate divorce,’
says the LORD God.”
Malachi 2:16

If your parents are divorced, I'm going to guess that you may have decided NEVER to marry. You don't want to get married because you're afraid you'll get divorced. Am I right?

Let me give you another option. Instead of missing out on living a longer life, being more financially stable, plus a healthier life, why don't you change the path and get off the wide road to destruction that most traveled along that helped cause divorce? Yes, people who are married do live longer. They are financially more stable. They are also healthier; maybe the biggest difference is they're happier. Over the past five decades, 50 plus years, the surveys remain the same—three times as many people who are married as compared to not being married are happier, healthier, and more financially stable. You're surprised.

I want to encourage you to read this:

Break My Heart
⏰ Quick 2-minute read

And share it with our young ladies so we can read what the Lord spoke to you and their hearts!

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