I Have Found The Hope💞 He Had For Me

I am so happy and grateful to have found my Heavenly Man. For years I had an empty feeling in me that I couldn’t get filled. And when I came to RMI I did not realize for a long time what pearl I had received from my Beloved.

I just read Erin’s piece about the page she created https://hopeatlast.com/ev/ . I am so happy with this page and my gratitude goes out to my Lord for allowing her to do this. Everything on this page is a summary of all the tools RMI offers to repair any relationship.

I’m so glad He led me here because even though I was raised in the church by a Christian mother. Was my heart hardened which has given me much pain and deep wounds. Now that I have a personal relationship with my Lord. I myself cling to His promises and allow myself to be washed by His Word. I have a peace and joy within myself that I cannot explain. I don’t have to worry about anything because I can always bring my concerns to Him as 1 Peter 5:7 says. He will always take care of me. And when I have to go through the fire, I know He’s with me to see me through.

By now the enemy knows that he cannot make me despair as quickly as before. Which now results in him using my children to rob me of my blessings. A few weeks ago I shared with you how carnal I reacted at times to my youngest son. But now, according to people around me, worrying situations have arisen for my eldest son. But you know what… for my HM is nothing to worry about. He knows what He is allowing into my life and the lives of my children so that we can learn from it and stand firm against more severe attacks to come. So when my former husband sent me an email a few days ago that the concerns from the school for my son were getting bigger and bigger, I had the peace in me that I can’t explain to you. All I could think about while laughing reading the content of the email exchanges. May God likewise laugh at the senseless deeds who think they are equal to my Lord.

Oh dear brides, how important it is to dive into His Word. Knowing His promises and knowing who He is that really nothing is impossible for Him. That when the storm starts you can sit quietly or sleep (as Peter did) in the boat. Knowing that it is He who can give you back everything you lost.

It’s a nice feeling and my heart overflows with love when I think of Him and the fact that I can enjoy the freedom of letting go. The Encouraging videos talked about on this page are the last of the resources I listened to before I started to really spend more time in His Word on a daily basis. And even if it’s only for a few weeks, I can already see the fruits of peace and tranquility He has brought to my household. And in relationship with other people. The hope that i would find answers how i could cahnge things to better in my life i found in Him. And for that I can only give HIM the glory.

The good work He started by leading me here and the gifts He gradually gives me are wonderful. This, this relationship He also wants to have with you. I would say give Him your heart. Your time and your attention. He will never disappoint you. He will give you more than just a restored marriage. More than you could ever dream or imagine. Because for HIM, NOTHING is really IMPOSSIBLE. He loves you so much and wants to take care for you in every area of your life.

4 thoughts on “I Have Found The Hope💞 He Had For Me”

  1. It’s wonderful to hear that with all that’s going on with your children that your were able to rest in Him, laugh and sit quietly “in the boat”. 💕

    1. What a beautiful praise report again. I’m lying here on my bed smiling at what our Heavenly Husband is doing and all the peace He is giving each bride, how He is drawing each of us closer and closer to Him.

  2. Thank you for sharing my dear Kristine, yes He gives us a peace that supasses all understanding, no matter what the situation or what comes against us. A verse that I have mentioned a few times today just came to mind again:
    “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

  3. Wow Kristine… how is that possible? to read the email from your son’s school and not be worried and concerned and want to immediately speak to your son and try to fix it? But instead to be at peace? Knowing you can let go and that your HH will take care of it!! That is just AMAZING and so special knowing He is going to fight for you and you can just enjoy the freedom of being at peace as you let go He is taking care of it!

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