I Just Didn’t Know How to Keep My Hope

Dear friend, when I first found RMI I thought I knew it all but felt like the ground below me was crumbling. I knew God could restore my marriage I just didn’t know how to keep my hope when the world kept trying to take it. I foolishly kicked my husband out before I realized who I truly was, who God sees when He looks at me. I knew I had made the biggest mistake of my life but I did not know how to change, how to love or even where to start. You have found it!! Start here! And let God lead you to the best part of your life, a life with Him, a life where joy and pain can live together. A life filled with gratitude and patience. A life filled with unconditional love.

Next, please use this space to write your note of Encouragement to the woman who is hurting. Think back to what you wish you had known when you first began your Restoration Journey.

Dear friend, don’t let anything stop you from going on this journey no matter how much you might doubt. Dont give in to the doubt. It is true! God can restore and God will! But more than that, you will be able to find peace and be in love with God. Trust God that if you seek, you will find.

With all my heart, your friend (US)

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