I need your advice please

We received the following email from a former minister and asked for her permission to share it because she may not be the only one to feel this way or experience this.

My dear ladies, I need your advice please. My family-parents and sister are afraid that I am getting mentally sick. (Bipolar illness-like my mother has)

I lived very weirdly for the last two weeks. Firstly I thought I have finally grown in intimacy with the Lord and learnt to hear his voice, for what I was praying a lot, but as I see their reaction I am confused.

Approximately 2 past weeks I heard very intensive and often a voice which I never before could recognize between my own thoughts. Leading this voice gave me many revelations, helped me understand things I couldn’t understand well before and it gave me freedom. This voice gave me an explanation to my old repeating dream I never understood before. This voice pushed me to contact some friends, apologize to them for things with which I hurt them and I encourage them a lot. (I feel they are thankful because they struggle in marriages or with problems.) This voice led me to organize our home perfectly despite a lot of work with 3 small children. During this time I got a warning for my husband. In the night approx. 03:00 It was like a big spiritual faith were the enemy was telling me that the stone heard of my husband will change only when our first born daughter will die like with pharaoh (at the same time in reality she was getting very sick) I was super scared but then I have got peace that i tis only warning and I should tell it to my husband. I did. All this was very intensive, rapid and tiring and all the time I had a lot of energy and joy. But yesterday it stopped. In the morning I woke up and I had no physical power, I felt pain in my body but I have a lot of peace and joy. The voice I do not hear anymore.

And as a bonus, this joy state protected me towards very aggressive situations of my EH. He reacted during these 2 weeks very aggressive front of children and I was able to not leave the house, panic, calm the children who were very scared of him and with the power to care for them as EH left me many times alone with them.

Sweet ladies, do you think this was from our Lord? If yes, is it ok, that it was so quick and intensive that I look almost mentaly sick in the eyes of my parents and sister?

Thank you so much
Former Minister

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4 thoughts on “I need your advice please”

  1. Thank you Atarah for sharing this with us. I believe we all have read in the RYM book chapter one MY BELOVED, Erin shares with us that is RJ people around you will think you are crazy because every principle that we are called to follow will seem crazy to the world because that is not the way the world do things. They is also a paragraph which says that don’t look or hear from others who are not likemind you will be confused and lose direction. It says just look stright ahead of you, which is looking to the Lord.
    Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.
    James 1:2‭-‬8 NLT

  2. After reading your email my Beloved immediately reminded me of the lesson “Those Voices” with regards to your what your family said in Living the Abundant Life.


    In SG you mentioned that the voice gave you strength to complete tasks in a short amount of time despite having 2 small ones, gave you revelations, helped you understand things, gave you strength and joy. This sounds very much like my Husband. He helps me understand things, gives me strength and joy, helps me with my cleaning. Many times when I have deep cleaning or a lot of cleaning to do He helps me to get done in a short amount of time. He has given me many revelations over these years of being intimately close to HIM!

    All that you mentioned is how He has helped me so my answer is yes I do think it is from the Lord because He always helps us and gives us joy and strength. Staying close to HIM and being His Bride HE will continue to be your help and strength and joy, He will continue to guide you in difficult situations with your eh (this HE has done for me many many times) and He will give you revelations because His word says that when we call out to Him that He will show us great and unsearchable things we do not know! J33:3

  3. When I first read this, I took it to my Husband so I could understand it more. One of the first things He pointed out was a hugely important principle He lived as well as what we encourage here—a gentle but also QUIET spirit. It says He opened NOT His mouth, but what if this all came out because they asked: “always being ready to make a defense to anyone who asks for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and kindness.” What then?
    To this, my Husband said, “There are many who believe you’re crazy and even more insane, that you’d fallen from your faith when you stopped attending church.”
    So far, I haven’t been given a label (at least not that I am aware of), but what is so sad is that it’s convinced her she might have this “disorder” or illness—because it is assumed it runs in her family. This is a tricky scheme to shake. I know because I have some new family members who are continuously bombarded with this same sort of scheme.
    It all comes back to something I read in another post today. “WHO SAID?” Even though it was quoted for an entirely different reason, https://loveatlast.org/fc/poverty-mentality/chapter-12-who-said/ my Husband led me to find a more appropriate chapter…
    WHO told her? Why AGREE with something negative when negative voices and thoughts are NOT from GOD but from the enemy?
    My solution for everything is to ASK GOD…. ask Him, “Am I bipolar?” I’d even ask Him if my mother had been diagnosed with this “Is my mother bipolar?”
    Without a doubt, should you or the former minister ASK GOD, I am confident she’d hear something entirely different. I’m also sure the enemy will do his best to say the opposite. It’s just a matter of ignoring the bad, negative thoughts and embracing what GOD said we are to meditate on…
    “Finally, brethren, whatever is TRUE, whatever is HONORABLE, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is LOVELY, whatever is of GOOD report, if there is any excellence and if anything WORTH of PRAISE, **let your mind dwell on these things.** The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace shall be with you.” P45

  4. Thank you for sharing!! I am learning to much when I read the post and specially then when I read the comments, it is such a great blessing for me. Thank you Lord!!

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