I will never hesitate to share this 🙏

Todays Streams in the Desert speaks about endurance and having faith even when you see no changes happening to a trial or a difficult situation. This is not an easy thing to do…

What helped me a lot to understand “praising in the storm” was the book “Prison to Praise” which l have shared about before but it has made such a huge impact in my life l will never hesitate to share about over and over again.

I saw a lot of bad situations in my life turn around for good just like the word of God speaks about. I hope that todays Devotional will help you or remind you to be have an attitude of praise and to have endurance even when you dont see any changes happening knowing that He is working and that your circumstances will change in the Lords appointed time 🙌


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4 thoughts on “I will never hesitate to share this 🙏”

  1. Thank you for sharing dear Adina, Prison to Praise also helped me a lot to understand to praise in the storm. And I remember when I was by my parents in April and there was a storm and my car wasn’t under a roof. I started literally praising the Lord in the storm and it was unbelievable when the storm just calmed down.

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