I would strongly recommend the book

husband is remarried

These are courses every stander should take. I would strongly recommend the book. The lessons have taught me discipline too

Testimonies on this forum are from a wide array of women and their situations are so different, so is the length of time for their stands. There’s more than enough to give anyone hope. Situations and circumstances may not exactly be alike as we are not alike as individuals, but it’s easy to see a pattern of victory in all the testimonies and what precisely led to the victory

Confusing. Very confusing as we had been briefly back together and because of my contentious ways , the hate wall went up again. I simply didn’t know how to handle a restored marriage that’s the truth.


I would definitely (and have) recommend RYM to anyone and everyone, not just those facing crisis. This book, along with Wise Woman and FAL, gently guides the reader to learning what their role is as a servant to Him and as a spouse through scripture and prayer. Reading these books before a crisis occurs will help avoid trouble and will lead to a deeper relationship with your HH, as well as your EH.

I would recommend getting every one of the WOTT books! In my darkest moments when things seemed almost hopeless (I knew they weren’t because my HH promised me), I would pray for peace, then I would begin reading the testimonies in these books. They have brought such encouragement to me many times as I read about others who have or still are traveling the same journey I am. They showed me how following the principles as I am lead to restoration, but most importantly lead us closer to our HH. It was comforting to read about real people who struggled just as I do and make mistakes in their journey, but with their repentance, our HH was quick to get the, back on track instead of destroying their restoration. Crying with and rejoicing with others as they are blessed with their miracles lifts my spirit and helps take my mind off of my situation because I am focused on celebrating with them.

God led me to your ministry after my husband came home suddenly right before Christmas for three wonderful weeks before telling me he was going back to the OW. For months, I have searched the Internet for any help I could find about how to reach God to bring my husband home. It was a process of Him teaching me how to pray, so I think He delayed my finding your ministry because I wasn’t quite ready for it. His timing is always perfect, and He led me to you when my spirit was broken enough to seek His will over my own.

You are not alone in your journey. You are surrounded by others who rare standing in the gap for your miracle, but most importantly for your walk with your HH. While there are many who are praying for you and with you, none of that even compares to the love and mercy your HH will pour out to you. Rest in His arms and enjoy this moment in your life as you grow closer to Him than you ever imagined.


I definitely would recommend this course not only because of or to receive restoration but because this lesson reveals things about you and helps you to become a better version of you that Christ intended

These testimonies gave me so much hope and they were powerful. It lets me know that God really does the impossible.

I just found this ministry last month of February 2020. Currently divorced which will make 7 months I believe and I thought it wouldn’t have ended with divorce before restoration because God told me one night on my sleep that my EH was coming back but see as scripture tells us our thoughts are not his thoughts. My husband calls every now and then and I know he even believes I’m really suppose to be his wife cause he’s thrown hits quite a few times even still now he just confused as I know once he returns to the father as I had to his mind vision and thoughts will be made clear by the Lord.

Dear Bride, I know this journey may seem long but the lord had already gone before you to prepare the way for the return of your EH

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