Never in my life I had read a hole book this way


I’ve been telling sharing with people how good this book even if they have a marriage that doesn’t need restoration. This book open my eyes to so many things. But the most important thing was it convicted me of my sin and how I destroyed my marriage it wasn’t all of my husbands fault.

I would totally recommend to read all the testimonies of the restore marriages. I made me realize their is hope for my marriage. And every time I want to give up and feel like my marriage can’t be restore and I read a testimony it is God send because I can either relate to something or say wow if that marriage can be restore so can mine.

When I just found this ministry I was completely broken and desperate for help for my marriage to restored. My EH told me we should get a divorce. I was incomplete denial and told him no then said yes but I didn’t want it I was all over the place with my emotions filled with anger and sadness. Then I told myself this is it we gave no hope it’s the end of our marriage. But then I cane across the book How God can and will restore your marriage. It gave me so much hope. ( Lafies never in my life had I read a hole book this way). My days are not perfect now. But I’m building my relationship with my HH.

Dear Bride, this journey will not be easy but it will be worth it. Be still and SG for his direction and understanding.


I would highly recommend all the lessons and videos and books from this ministry. It is life changing!

These testimonies are so very encouraging and it's so amazing to see how God works in each of our lives to change our hearts and be more like Him! He wants to be our everything and these testimonies are proof that Gods word never returns void and He is a God of restoration and love if we obey His Word!

I had lost so much hope before I found this ministry. I was desperate for someone to help me and like some of these other women I did do things to make things worse. But I feel like God was already leading me this way because I had given up and He turned my heart back to my marriage. I also had already started applying some of the principles taught in these lessons and books.

Keep your eyes on Jesus and He will give you the desires of your heart. Lighten your burden and give it to the Lord. In the mean time work on yourself and let God change into into his image. You were called for a purpose so let Him work in you and fight the battle for you. Trust in Him only!


Jesus wants you to be His Bride. The situation you currently find yourself in right now, an unfaithful spouse, an estranged spouse even a former spouse, these are all in God's control and He has a plan. This book leads you to that plan. It is extremely Bible based and has very practical instruction on how to apply the Word of God to your situation to bring you out victorious on the other side. I recommend the RYM book because God really can and will restore.

The WOTT books were such a blessing to me. When I wasn't seeing progress in my own situation, I'd pick up my cell phone and open the downloaded books and just read. I would get so much hope from hearing how even when it didn't look like it, even when it seemed impossible, God showed up and showed out for these believers. I recommend this book not only for you but for those around you. Once they read these testimonies, it will become a lot easier for them to stand in faith with you.

When I found you all, I was hopeless. I didn't know how to let go. I wanted to so badly because I could see that my grip was only making things worse. Talk about a hate wall. It seemed as high and even wider than the Great Wall of China. My EH was sooo angry with me. It had just been days since our first court appearance. And while I'd received Godly counsel early on not to get a lawyer unless I wanted a fight, I showed up and that resulted in the divorce being delayed. EH was so mad. He said that I was one who only manipulates and continues to attack him. God used the book and the courses to give me a true wake up call.

Be encouraged. Your Bridegroom patiently awaits your yes. He will carry you through this journey and you will truly be restored sooner than you care to be once you get a hold of His love.

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