I’m no longer in that financial predicament

“‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse,
so that there may be food in My house, and
test Me now in this,’ says the Lord of hosts,
‘if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.’” M3:10

Its the end of the month and my Husband just reminded me that its important to share something encouraging.

So when it gets to the end of the month do you do what l used to do. A budget…

After you have written down all your expenses and minus the income you earned for the month you may be in big deficit. Well that means that what you earned is less than your expenses. Then what do you do… Maybe you do what l did.. Start looking at where you can pay less. So you lessen the amount for groceries… You pay less for school fees. Less on this and that account. You think about all kinds of ways to make it.

Today things have changed im no longer in that financial predicament praise God!! One thing l know without a doubt is that my finances is protected. l learned about the protection of paying my tithes 1st.

Over the years l have been able to take it a step further by giving offerings and blessing whoever He shows me, the car guard, the guys who carries my water to my car, the guy who pushes my trolley to my car… Here in South Africa theres always people in need and the beauty of giving is l learned that l can give away whatever money l may have left in my purse or the change in my bag because my Husband provides. Previously l held on because l would always think about tomorrow and next week but now im able to freely give because the fear is gone.

If you are not here dont despair, we all had to start somewhere.. So start by speaking to your Heavenly Husband and ask Him to help you so that He can take away your fear of tithing. l know… Because it was not easy for me to start… How could l give my tithe when l could not even cover all my expenses? Its ok… I get it and so does HE.

Here is the link that will take you to all our lessons and many of our praises regarding tithing. Perhaps tomorrow l can share more praise but l would love to hear from you ❤️ please if you have a praise to share about tithing and giving its end of the month and there may be many women out there anxious and fearful that need the encouragement to take this step.

#1. Protection of Tithing Testimonies

7 thoughts on “I’m no longer in that financial predicament”

  1. This is such an important principle Atarah! Thank you for sharing how tithing and following His Word has blessed you. I too, haven’t been without ever since I began tithing. I felt so free to give and let go of the fear of not having enough. It’s a little different now with my EH home because He doesn’t believe in tithing. But I’m trusting my Husband will speak to him on that matter and my prayers will be answered soon!

  2. This is such an encouragement and a constant reminder of the fruits of being obedient! I used to be like you, so stuck with my budget, every coin counted!! Now I am able to bless others, because He blesses me beyond my dreams!! I am more than happy to atest that when you give Him you are always protected and bless!!

  3. Being obedient and trusting Him might be scary in the beginning because we are so used to holding on to what we have, because tomorrow we might need it. But once we overcome the fear and take that first step to obedience, the fruits and blessings are amazing. And I can relate to what you shared, it’s easy to give the last cash or change in your purse to bless the person who helped you with your trolley or they guy that carried the heavy water can or watched your car, no longer wanting to hold on to every last penny because of fear.

  4. bonjour mes sœurs
    pour moi, c’est un peu différent. j’ai toujours donné ma.dime avec joie. au début, Notre Seigneur pourvoyait miraculeusement mais des que mon EH à demandé le.divorce et que celui ci a été accordé, les rôles se so.t inversés. mon EH qui était ruiné à retrouvé du travail et prospère et moi je me suis effondrée financièrement. j’aide les autres Avec joie mais je n’ai pas.de quoi finir les mois. les factures s’accumulent. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi.

    hello my sisters for me it’s a bit different. I have always given my dime with joy. at the beginning, Our Lord miraculously provided, but as soon as my EH asked for a divorce and it was granted, the roles were reversed. my EH who was ruined found a job and prospered and I collapsed financially. I help others With joy but I don’t have enough to end the months. the bills are piling up. I do not understand why.

    1. Mon cher Lux merci d’être venu partager avec nous. Est-ce que vous donnez la dîme ? Cliquez sur ce lien pour consulter des leçons et des rapports d’éloges sur la dîme https://aidemaritale.com/cours/17-jour-chapitre-17-ouvrir-les-ecluses-des-cieux/ pour renouveler votre esprit. Découvrez la liberté de lâcher prise https://aidemaritale.com/cours/c2/d15/ en ne vous concentrant pas sur votre EH. Concentrez plutôt votre HH en devenant Son Mariée https://aidemaritale.com/amour-enfin/, renforcez votre relation et votre intimité avec Lui en Lui posant toutes vos questions et vous serez surpris de la façon dont Il vous répond comme Il veut l’avoir. une relation étroite avec vous et soyez votre fournisseur. Ressources en français https://aidemaritale.com/.

      My dear Lux thank you for coming to share with us. Are you tithing? Click on this link for lessons and praise reports on tithing https://hopeatlast.com/get-help-to-hurdles-over-your-fears-with-testimonies-milestones/milestone-1-tithe/ to renew your mind . Experience the freedom of letting go https://hopeatlast.com/c2/d15-the-freedom-of-letting-go/ by not focusing on your EH. Instead focus rather your HH by becoming His Bride https://loveatlast.org/his-bride/, strengthen your relationship and intimacy with Him by asking Him all your questions and you will be surprised at how He answers you as He wants to have a close relationship with you and be your provider. Resources in French https://aidemaritale.com/de-lespoir-enfin/

      1. Chère Atarah
        comme l’indique mon post, J ai toujours donné la dime. si je me permets de vous poser cette question c’est que je n’ai pas de réponse du Seigneur concernant cela. bien à vous

        Dear Atara as my post indicates, I have always given tithes. if I allow myself to ask you this question it is that I have no answer from the Lord concerning this. good for you

        1. Merci mon cher Lux désolé peut-être que je n’ai pas compris à cause de la traduction mon cher 💞 As-tu suivi le cours sur la mentalité de pauvreté ? Ce cours vous aidera à accroître votre confiance en LUI en tant que votre fournisseur. Mais c’est toujours bien de commencer au début avec une bonne base en commençant par le cours Trouver la vie abondante 💕 N’arrêtez pas de le chercher Lux Il vous répondra 💝 Continuez également à renouveler votre esprit en écrivant des promesses et en méditant sur la parole, cela le fera aide également à accroître votre foi. Soyez bénis 💞



          Thank you my dear Lux sorry perhaps l did not understand due to the translation my dear 💞 Have you done the Poverty Mentality Course? This course will help to increase you faith in HIM as your provider. But its always good to start at the beginning with a good base by starting at the Finding the Abundant Life Course 💕 Dont stop seeking Him Lux He will answer you 💝 Also keep renewing your mind by writing down promies and meditating on the word, this will also help to increase your faith. Bless you 💞

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