LACKS Wisdom ASK God

“In the multitude of counselors” “Your testimonies are my counselors”

We just received a heartbreaking note from a longtime RMI friend on a difficult restoration journey. Since she doesn’t use a BNN to remain discreet, my Husband led me to look up the meaning of her real name, which means “Priceless.”  This is what Priceless wrote us:

“God was trying to help me by a home in the summer of 2021. He showed me first to start my own business and keeping it confidential by having 2 registered agents. Then, after praying and fasting I thought he showed me to only give the 2017 not the 2019 orders because the 2019 orders said I had to pay a judgement of exhusband’s attorney fees. I didn’t know what that was… I went ahead and showed the morgage lender the 2019 orders. Then, 5 days before closing they said I had to pay it. I found out it’s because they can put a lien on your home. Now my situation is much worse because I hired an attorney and now they have puts lots more judgements on me in [two states]” ~ Priceless

While reading this, my heart just broke as I was thinking of the contrast between the peace and blessings Adina has been sharing in her Custody RJN when she applied, specifically, GOD’S principles found in

So my hope is that Priceless will read…

RJN “My Custody Loss” Adina Jacobs

Dear brides, if you have a testimony of encouragement for this precious and struggling bride, Priceless, please post your comment below. Thank you!!

6 thoughts on “LACKS Wisdom ASK God”

  1. Not that I have all the answers, but as I was finishing (since today is my day to cover the bookkeeping office) my Husband led me to check to ensure Priceless is protected from the devourer. It might be a mistake, but the last tithe I found (if she is being spiritually fed here) was she tithed 3 years ago.
    There’s NO question Priceless’s husband, her Maker, is longing to protect her because I would do anything to shield her from all she continues to endure—so imagine how HE feels!! But just as my hands are tied, so are His.

    God’s promises, His principles are set in place, and it’s we who are often ignorant of the wisdom GOD wrote in His Word. It’s one book with ALL our answers. And to know where to find these answers, we have our Husband who is just a whisper or cry away, listening for us to acknowledge Him.
    Hoping and praying for “Priceless”

  2. Dear Erin thank you for sharing this heartbreak letter with us. Just like you my heart is crying about this situation.

    Dear Priceless, When I read your letter I couldn’t believe what I read at first. I could see the shemes the enemy has used to plant the deception about your house in your life. I am so sorry and would encourage you to go into your closet and talk to your HH.
    if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
    Erin confirms a very important point, and it is not too late to get this great trial for testimony of Him. He’s right there with you. He waits for you to tell Him that you only need Him. The day I made the choice to practice the principles of tithing. Are the blessings for me and my children so many that sometimes I can’t understand how and why. But I don’t even wonder anymore. I just thank Him. Because it is He who does it. I have a part time job and if I didn’t give Him back what He deserves and would never have more than what I have now. Some wonderfull blessings that i receive: He brought back all my four children that I lost at one point. He furnishes my house with mostly new things, every few weeks He makes it possible for me to have a pedicure and manicure. He clothes my children with designer clothes. And recently I got a pay rise which allows me to work even fewer hours away from home and still have more than enough financially. I could go on and on because these are just the blessings that can be seen physically. Emotionally and psychologically, He has done just as much for me and my children. Priceless again, simply ask your God to take your hand again and lead you back to His path of righteousness. And if He convinces you that there is something you need to forgive, please do so so that nothing stands in the way of Him bringing restoration to your life. We all love you here but He loves you even more.

  3. I had a judgement because things were so bad my landlords at the time started harassing me at work for their money. I was so embarrassed and ashamed that I went to debt concilors and they filed the paperwork for the judgement, I did this so that I would not be harassed at work and embarrassed not knowing I did the worse thing for myself financially. I did this out of ignorance! I just didnt know I could go to Him for His help… so sad… Its been years down the line and when I went to check my credit profile about 2 years ago I no longer have this judgement against me 🙂 My HL became my provider for everything so I no longer even needed credit just being content with what I had and going to Him for what I needed. Your situation is not an impossible situation for Him because He works the best in these impossible ones, you just need to go to Him and speak to Him.

    Here’s all our resources with regards to tithing that helped me, go to Him and ask Him about what we are sharing with you

  4. My dear Priceless!!!! Put everything in His loving hands and He will turn everything for good!! When we try to solve everything by ourselves and our own understand we get tired, frustrated and the enemy steals our peace!!
    Go back to His loving hands, follow His principles, I can truly atest that since I started tithing and offering my life changed around!!!
    I decided to put Him first always, and with my tithe and offerings that is what I am doing!!
    He will change your situation in a minute if you only put Him first!!
    I invite you to read this amazing testimony from my dear Adina and how the Lord provided for her needs:

  5. Dear Priceless, I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. On my journey I faced some really difficult trails, like divorce, custody loss, financial lack because I lost everything and the list goes on. But I have learned that grabbing on to my Heavenly Husband, appointing Him as my Wonderful Counselor, applying principles like www and gentle and quiet spirit does turn situations around for good. With Him as your Heavenly Husband you can go through any trail with peace and joy. I do feel led to share this podcast with you:

  6. Dear Priceless, probably due to all the situation you are facing and by reading these comments you are wondering how am I going to tithe if I don’t have money left? Well, that’s exactly what I went through, when I was in absolute financial ruin from losing a franchise business, becoming unemployed and being devastated by my separation. But that’s where my HH took me to strengthen my faith and learn to trust only onto Him. He wanted to show me that when I didn’t have it was exactly when I had to pay my tithe and thus be able to see his word fulfilled. (Malachi 3:10) The world teaches us that we first cover our expenses and with what is left over we tithe, as well as that we always have to defend ourselves with lawyers. Well, its principles tell us that neither one nor the other.
    Tithing is a very powerful principle and that is why it is so hard for me to do at first, however once I put it into practice it has become a part of my life and he has remained faithful. I was about to lose my house because of a bank loan from the franchise, but no matter how scared I was, I put everything in his hands, I resisted the temptation to look for lawyers and 7 years later I’m still here at home.
    Another thing that helped me a lot is that I found the verse: “For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.” Meaning that I had to let go of everything even my house because it belongs to him and not me. He owns everything.
    So let me finish by saying that He taught me to be obedient with the tithe, let go of my belongings (which He blessed me to keep them after letting go) and trust blindly on Him.

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