NEW RMIOU Course 😇 Spiritual Personal Trainer 🏋🏻‍♀️

Yesterday during our podcast Yvonne and I discussed something brand new. Today my Husband led me to do a bit more on the page
and also to update a small section regarding “therapy” that is mentioned 7 times in this lesson

Counseling & Psychology & Therapy IOU Course

So now, it states, “The only Therapy we recommend, which is an intense focus on renewing and “washing” the mind with GOD’s Word, is Thankfulness Therapy”
along with the TT picture.
I’d encourage each LMF to add the update and be sure your ministry friends are aware of this exciting update “for such a time as this” since this is rampant in our society.

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4 thoughts on “NEW RMIOU Course 😇 Spiritual Personal Trainer 🏋🏻‍♀️”

  1. Thank you Erin for coming to share these are great updates for anyone that not only wants to restore their marriage or relationships but to be able to minister and encourage others too💓 There’s so much truth we are all looking for answers for healing 🙏 I hope that anyone reading this will take the time to click on these links to read because there’s so much spiritual food there📍

  2. Agreed. I do believe your Husband may be choosing you Atarah to pioneer this adventure—something you’re very good at.
    Just this morning, Sunday, my Husband began speaking to me about …

    “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty and marvelous and wondrous things, which you do not know…things to come, things you could never figure out on your own, remarkable secrets…“ J333

    And to adhere to this promise I read every morning to “No one lights a lamp 🪔 and then hides it or puts it under a basket 🧺. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where its light can be seen by all who enter the house, those who come may see the light.” L1133

    Here are my email-to-myself notes:


    1) You Must have Registered Ministry website.

    2) You must post your fees and adhere to them.

    3) You May provide Sponsors who will pay. Applicants can Post need on blog but📍 Limit sponsorships, set to end at a reasonable time.

    4) Clients Agree to begin tithing in order to transfer support from Husband alone.

    5) Life Coaches and Personal Spiritual Trainers can also provide a limited number of “pro bono” without charge to the client. Each must be totaled and documented on spreadsheet as an offering.

    🙋🏻‍♀️ HOPE@ test first? Is anyone interest in having a personal trainer?

    Using modified MEQ. Zoom limit is 40 min., which is too long. Can zoom be set to shorter times and show time remaining and end automatically?

    More Tips for Keeping Up with Therapy Paperwork

    1 | Develop a session checklist. Create a list of all tasks that must be finished for every session. …
    2 | Give clients daily 2Do list and at your session go over each. Do daily? Find the most rewarding so we can gear more towards what’s working and what’s not.
    3 | Complete session notes with clients by reading the upcoming week’s check list and send it. Then confirm the time for next session. Send off to do task so you can leave for next your next client.

    1. Thanks for sharing this with me Erin and setting it out step by step. I will speak to my Husband and ask for His help to implement this. It’s funny and yes we know He works like this but just this morning for our devotions we read the scripture about not hiding our lamps and I explained what it means to my kids.

      Yes 🙂 He is my Wonderful Councillor \o/ I will take His hand to lead me and ask Him for His promises for this new venture or should I say adventure? with Him by my side.

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