O know it is worth it


I would, I dont have a restored marriage but I surely earn an intimate relationship with the Lord.

Theses testimonies give you some hope when you are weary and thinking that your situation is hopeless.

My husband wants a divorce. He said it in April 8th 2020. He is still home up to today, with this huge wall of hate. wedding ring is off, he sleeps in the guest room, no intimacy, no pet name, no nothing. We are kind of stalling there. To God all the glory

Dear Sister, hang on the Lord, I am weary and beaten, but our Savior is Jesus, and the Love and confidence He gives me is enormous. I am being shaped, molded and pruned. This hurts a lot, but O know it is worth it. Hang on to the Lord as He is the true, the life and the only way.

United Kingdom

This Book will really guide you, make you to think through everything with God, and will help you make the steps to change and become more like Jesus. We all did not know the biblical foundation about marriage. For this reason our marriage came to a ruin. This book is very important because it speak about the foundations that sustain a marriage. His packed with God's word. A very good guidance and principles for achieving a successful marriage.

Here are the proof that your marriage and any marriage can be restored. Read it it contains great encouragement, plus quite sure you will find some situation that are very similar to which of you are going through. It will be of great value for guidance during this journey too.

When I begin to do the courses my husband were liking ow at work and said that He did not like me anymore and that he never did. He wanted to do life we another person, but not me.

Beloved trust in God's ability to restore your marriage. He is everything that you need right now, never leave Him. He will go with you all the way through. Be encouraged, you never, ever be alone waiting for this is over. He will be always there by your side. Just believe.


I say please get these two books, they will bless your soul.

These testimonies helped me so much in my life, this book is a must.

When I found this ministry, my husband had been gone a few months. He’s still away at the moment.

God is fighting for you; you will win.

Sri Lanka

Oh yes this book was amazing and I can’t wait to be that wife to my husband someday and be that at least from afar till he comes back home. Thank you for teaching me about being submissive and letting go and getting close to God and to part form my husband to get close to God. Without this book there could have been no hope for restoration

I haven’t bought this book yet.

My husband has been angry and hating me. In September he changed a little and even though he went back to hating me because I didn’t have the RYM book and made a fundamental mistake on the 16th of October which was his birthday and I found out that he would be have the OW at his party and would expose my kids to her for the first time I said I would call the police and my lawyer he blocked me after that. Had I known about submission and respect and winning without words I would not have done that. I am waiting for the opportunity to show him I have changed. I even sent him a letter asking for his forgiveness for all the terrible things I’ve said and done as a contentious wife. The book has changed how I see my husband, my life and mist of all God. It has shamed me and made me embarrassed at who I was for so long. Thank you for teaching me in such a clear precise and meticulous manner. I have never read a book that was so clear and easy to understand. I hung in every single world and took it in hungrily.

May you be encouraged by this and May your life be transformed in the love of God. And May this lead you to a restored marriage.

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