This would be the book I needed


I knew that after reading chapter 1 of RYM it was going to the book that I needed. There is a lot of information about the OW towards the end and for me, I am not aware of there being another woman so those chapters only created more doubt and fear for me. But the rest of the book was AMAZING. I love all the verses and even more when it explains it and apply to our life.

I did not buy any of these books but all the Testimonies during each day really gave me hope. In most of them, I could find similarities in my situation and it provided me with hope that my marriage too could be restored.

When I found RYM, I was on month 3 of my husband out of the house. I felt like I had tried everything to win him back. Let him be, be nice, try to convince him to come back, all of the things that I learned that you shouldn't do. I thought I controlled the situation. And none of it was helping. He was bringing up divorce and filing papers, selling our house, etc. Granted those things are still being brought up I have learned so much in the last 30 days and have more hope than I have had in a while.

Be strong. Be strong in heart, all you who hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:24 There are going to be tough days but be strong and lean on Him to get you through those times. Ask him to comfort you and bring you peace. He will provide.

United States

I would definately recommend "How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage" book. Please read the book. This book will give you hope and breathe new life into you. It is based on the word of God. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." I pray we let the Word of God take root in our hearts so that we may be equipped for the good work He has set before us.

"By the Word of Their Testimony" is amazing. It is full of the faithfulness of our HH. Our stories are different, but you will find, as I did, many similarities and if our HH could change their situation than He can and will change ours as well. This book will help you to let go and to trust our HH as He works in our lives.

I did not have these resources from the beginning so I "pushed and pushed", as my FH told me once. At first he agreed to stay and work on our marriage, but I was needy, desperate, clingy, and fustrated because I was not seeing the results that I wanted to see. So much so that within 3 months he filed for divorce. Our divorce was finalized 10/16/20 (eleven months after he filed). Just weeks after our divorce went through he accidently sent me a text meant for the OW and I was completely heartbroken. I had no idea he was with someone already. I couldn't breathe. I was desperate for hope so I did a search for marriage restoration after divorce and I found your website. I was a HORRIBLE, no good, rotten wife and the Lord was showing me but I didn't know how to stop. I kept blaming my FH. Your resources confirmed what our HH was lovingly trying to teach me but I was so stubborn, and arrogant, and prideful I didn't want to turn from my evil ways. Just weeks before our separation in August 2019 our pastor was teaching on Ephesians 5:22-33. On the last Sunday of the Sermon Series he requested the wives do something for their husbands to show our appriciation. I was not listening so I can not tell you what is was, but I do remember thinking, "Well, it's a good thing that he didn't come to church today because there's no way in hell I would do that." And even then I heard His still, small voice. A week later, on what would have been our 20th anniversary, we had the fight that broke the camel's back. That is how desperately our HH wanted me to change. He warned me over and over again, but I did not listen.

2 Corinthians 7:10-11 "Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. See what this godly sorrow has produced in you..." You are about to embark on a bittersweet journey. You are going to look into a spiritual mirror, for probably the first time, or if you were like me a mirror that you have tried to ignore. You will not like what you see at first, but if you let our Beloved Bridegroom wash you with His loving words the image will start to change. This is a hard journey, but if you give our HH your hand and let Him guide you, you will make it. Don't give up. Know that even though I don't know your name or the exact details of your situation, He does. I am praying for you and I am looking forward to one day reading about your miracle. Ada in Texas


I recommend the RYM book and courses to any woman who will listen to me. I’ve already shared the site with four women and bought the Wise Woman book for one of them. I even sent my brother to the men’s site! You owe it to yourself to check it out. You will be so grateful you did.

I definitely recommend the By the Word of Their Testimony books! It’s such an encouragement reading about other women’s “impossible” situations that the Lord turned around. Nothing is impossible for Him. When I started on my journey I searched high and low for testimonies of restored marriages because I wanted to know if what God was asking me to do, fight for my marriage, was actually doable. I’d never heard of the concept before and wanted proof and encouragement. These books provided just that and I knew that if God had done it for them, He’d do it for me too.

I found RMI around mid October. I heard of it through another marriage ministry. I first found out about the book and then read about the Fellowship. I was quite intrigued about a church without walls and wanted to know more. I ordered the RYM book and started to read it. That’s when I found out about the courses. I began on November 9th and instantly began to see changes in myself as the Lord began to work in me. At that point, I was 5 months into my journey. Everything my HH had been teaching me about just became clearer and clicked. I felt I was no longer alone and had other sisters walking with me and agreeing with me for my miracle. I began my journey seeking restoration for my marriage but ended up gaining restoration of my relationship with my First Love. I learned to truly let go and came to fully trust in my HH to handle all things for me. Just 10 days after starting the courses, my EH broke it off with the OW. He said he’d lost interest in her because of me. I had listened to the Lord when He told me to be intimate with my EH, to love him unconditionally, to forgive, to be humble and quiet, to let Him be my Defender, to put Him first, etc. My EH said he loves me like this but is afraid I’ll hurt him again. I was the prodigal twice before. I know the enemy is putting doubts in his mind, but I believe in the promises the Lord gave me and I believe our restoration is under way. This may be a long and painful journey but I’ve committed myself to my HH and will continue to be obedient to Him no matter what happens.

“Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord will fulfill His promises to her” Luke 1:45. This Word carried me through some of my toughest moments as it encouraged me. The Lord sees what you’re going through and wants to do a great work in you. Believe in Him and make up your mind to be obedient without question. He will Honor your faith and will come through for you.

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