Sharing as a Marriage Minister ❤️‍🩹

Today I just want to share my heart as a Marriage Minister and as someone that has been on my RJ Restoration Journey since 2012. Like you I came to this ministry because of the breakdown of my marriage. Like you my heart was shattered. Like you I felt like I had no future.

But I found HOPE and it’s what I want to share with you today. No it’s not a quick fix and yes it will take commitment and perseverance. So let me share what helped me to find the Abundant Life that I live today.

Daily Bible reading – do you need to hear from God, do you want to know what He has to say to you? What His promises to you are? Then you need to read His word and when you come across something that speaks to your heart, write it down and meditate on it.

Daily Devotions – Its so important to stay spiritually fed daily, especially if you are hurting and broken, you need spiritual sustenance.

Destroyed for lack of knowledge – Most of us end up here because of lack of knowledge of Gods word, we make a lot of mistakes and do things that go against His word and we don’t understand why our marriage and lives are falling apart. We have many free courses to choose from.

Once you stop hurting keep moving forward – move on to finding your abundant life

If you are new to our ministry let me know in the comments if you would like to know more of what we have available to help you and if you would like me to share more on this topic.

10 thoughts on “Sharing as a Marriage Minister ❤️‍🩹”

  1. Thank you for sharing dear Atarah, this is beautiful and so helpful to help new brides join, I am going to share it on Uiteindelik Hoop, because I know this will help so many women.

    1. Yes please share it my dearest Janine it would be so helpful for the new precious Afrikaans ladies that are coming! 🙂

  2. Dear Atarah, thank you for sharing! Love this breakdown of resources to take advantage of. There are so many resources available on RMI (praise the Lord!) and initially I had no idea where to start. This will really help point the direction.

  3. This is amazing my dear!!! It is truly a journey of a lifetime!! But the best thing ever is finding our true love!!!

  4. Thank you dear Atarah, it is definitely very useful for everyone, especially for the ladies who are in crisis and need this kind of words of guidance and encouragement, I will share it on the Italian blog 🙂

  5. Ladies l thank you ❤️🙏 thank for commenting l will be sharing more on this topic and I’m really excited about it. I never expected to receive so much feedback on this topic. I want to thank Him for guiding me with this post 🙌

    1. Atarah. I’d LOVE 💗 to see you recruit some of the women here who you see as Marriage Minister called. Just imagine if I’d never reached out to you —and ALL the many dozens of women who GOD was able to use— how could I have done it alone?
      Women are called to birth and train— not just our biological children but the many spiritual ones who He leads them to us.

  6. Thank you Atarah for sharing, reading His word daily, His promises to you, spending time with Him, getting drenched in His love and seeking Him to heal the hurt that can be so overwhelming at times, is the only way to travel on this journey. Only HE is our Mighty Counsellor and Great Physician and only He can give us the Abundant Life (peace, joy, love, healing) in the midst’s of our storms.

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