Surprised by my EH Response 😅

Hello brides ❣

Yesterday a post was added to the Encouragingwomen blog by Erin & Yvonne calling for women with EH, nephew, brother, father, uncle to ask them to come and post a spiritual meal for men.

I read the post but didn’t watch the video.. not thinking much and it was not even crossing my mind to ask eh because my eh has never really been interested in the things of God unless there was a crisis so and l had to really let go and placed that desire in my Husbands hands for HIS appointed time and then l concentrated on the ministry He gave me for women.

The next morning I woke up thinking about that post so l decided to ACKNOWLEDGE Him while eh was in the shower so l told my Love l would merely mention it to eh but if I saw no interest l would stop talking about it.

I was surprised when EH says no he wouldn’t mind and then he told me how men are very different to women and need to be ministered to in a different way.. like while going fishing or working on a car.. he also said have l not noticed how many women are in church compared to men?

Praise God for that because l know that my trying to encourage my eh with the things of God went absolutely NOWHERE and it was when l surrendered him to my HH, concentrated instead on my ministry to women that I’m starting to now see a cloud ☁️ small as a mans fist ✊

Brides many of us have a desire for our eh to become our spiritual leader, we all have seen how men are not interested in the things of God. Don’t let that worry or bother you because while you are waiting for God to work in His heart you can allow God to work on your heart.

Become a Wise Woman.
Teach the younger woman.
Become His Bride.

Invest your time into journaling one of our many courses and come and comment and post your Praise. This is where l started. Then leave the rest to HIM. Right now HE just wants your ❤ you already have HIS ❣

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4 thoughts on “Surprised by my EH Response 😅”

  1. That’s so encouraging and exciting. He’s showing you blessings all over. My heart is happy for you. 🥰

    1. Thanks so much Hope!! This part of my journey with eh was never easy and still is not easy… the hope, the expectation of EH becoming our families Spiritual Leader can leave you feeling like nothing is happening.. just focusing on Him has made all the difference.

  2. Its so true I also at times to desire my EH to be a spiritual leader in the house seeing that I have boys and they will follow his steps even though I do what I suppose to and make time at home to let them read the bible and do breaking of bread occasionally but its a big challenge thanks for the encouragement just to let go let God deal with EH.

    1. Yes, Micah there came a time that I started worrying because my son is getting bigger, he is now 8. I started being concerned about who would teach Him things as a young man about life and what God word says… I also realised that this was not a burden He wanted me to worry about so I’m just reading the bible whenever I can with the my kids and talk to them about their HF, the rest is up to HIM!

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