Take off your mask 🤡

There are times when we need to take off our masks before the Lord and become open and vulnerable before Him.

The thing is that HE loves us EXACTLY the way we are.

We need to tell HIM about what worries or concerns us. I have been struggling a lot with distractions from my phone with social media and with my home and family, a new puppy.. The problem is that I need to make time for my HH Heavenly Husband. To switch off completely and give Him my full focus and sometimes that means locking my bedroom door just so l can be completely alone with HIM 💗

What are you struggling with? Take off your mask and tell Him. Pour out your heart about what you feel. Whether you feel distracted, fearful, scared, worried, stressed, depressed. Perhaps you work in a job that takes up most of your time leaving the Lord 2nd best? He knows anyway 🤷‍♀️ His just waiting for you to tell Him about it. Ask Him to help you give Him the time that He deserves. 

He loves you with your strengths and weaknesses. With everything that’s going on.. The small and big decisions. Bring all, everything to Him and let Him help you. Stop trying to do it on your own and getting distracted like l have been.. trying to do things in my own strength. You will only set yourself up for frustration. I’m speaking to you as much as l am encouraging myself 😅

He is right there… Switch off all the distractions 📴 and have that conversation with Him 💗

Take off your mask and be real with your HH. He is not surprised by anything you say.

Cast everything on Him because He cares for you ❤️

6 thoughts on “Take off your mask 🤡”

  1. Uau!! Essa vida que levamos hoje com muita distração estå do jeito que o inimigo quer.
    NĂŁo vamos ceder Ă  isso.
    Que PALAVRA encorajadora!!
    Oremos para que possamos passar mais tempo com nosso Amado.
    Obrigada pelo encorajamento de hoje.

    1. Translation:
      Wow!! This life we ​​lead today with a lot of distraction is the way the enemy wants it.
      We are not going to give in to that.
      What an encouraging WORD!!
      Let us pray that we may spend more time with our Beloved.
      Thank you for today’s encouragement.

      1. Olá Rayna👋 muito obrigado pelo seu comentário. Estou tão feliz por você ter sido encorajado tanto quanto eu. Sou muito grato ao meu amado por me mostrar Sua verdade. E é verdade que o inimigo usa tantas distrações para nos afastar de nosso Amado, mas devemos resistir ao inimigo.

        Hello Rayna👋 thank you so much for your comment. I am so glad that you have been encouraged as much as l have. I’m so thankful to my beloved for showing me His truth. And it’s so true the enemy uses so many distractions to keep us from our Beloved but we must resist the enemy.

  2. Thank you for this message dear Atarah, just a confirmation to me what my HH wants me to do, to put of all the distractions and make time to listen to Him. Wow and the Lord is for sure giving us a message, because I also put on the Afrikaans led by my HH, that we musn’t do it in our own strength. I just love my HH, I can go with all my many flaws to Him.

  3. Wow Atarah, thank you for sharing this message.
    I’ve struggled with the feeling quite frustrated this week because of the exact same things – work and my phone as a distraction.

    That you for encouraging me and reminding me to turn to Him.

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