Tell it to God….

I have made a connection with God which I never had before. The Woman’s retreat helped me to “Tell it to God”.

I pray every day but have not really sat down say something to God and wait for his response more for a message for others or prayer topics. I had an embedded belief that i should not expect God to answer me now for my problems.

Woman’s retreat have taught me to talk to God about what bothers me and wait for his response. I also walked around with unforgiveness. I would forgive but aggressively and the ladies taught me i need to forgive and love my neighbour as myself… Lovingly forgive and have respect.

i feel lighter and i feel more of the holy spirit during my prayer time. I have practiced taking things to God (Heavenly Husband) every time I have the urge to phone someone and tell them about “what just happened” i have a deeper Relationship with Jehovah Jireh my God my HH.

Thank you to Everyone who made the Wise Woman Retreat Possible. Much ❤

7 thoughts on “Tell it to God….”

  1. Yes Zephaniah it’s so wonderful to rather talk to our HH who can “do something” about it, instead of sharing it with a friend who essentially can do nothing…. One of my favourite scriptures is… and… it was one of our New Years Promise in 2022

    “‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’” J333

    “‘Call to Me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.’” MSG

    “Ask Me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.” NLT

  2. It is wonderful to read this praise, there is nothing better that we can do in any situation than tell Him everything and learn the importance of waiting for his answer, there we enjoy what a relationship with our Beloved means ❤️

  3. Im glad to hear that you learned so much at the retreat and made a better connection with your HH.
    It’s nice knowing that we can go to Him and that He will show us His love as we speak to Him.

  4. Praise the Lord for opening your heart!!
    Yes my dear, He truly loves and wants us to be coser to Him. Every little detail of our lives is so important to Him!!
    Enjoy His company even more!!

  5. Oh sweet Zephaniah, your praise is so encouraging. I know that most women feel extremely related to this because that was exactly how I felt when I started my journey. I had no clue how to communicate with God, I did not know he could be that close to me until He showed me that by meditating on his word He was able to answer to my prayers or just give me the confirmation of something He put in my heart but I had doubts about it.
    As you, I was blessed to be part of a RMI retreat and I learnt so much about Him through all the Wise Women who organized it. One of my heart desires is that more of these retreats could take place all around the world so more women could feel His love.

  6. Dear Zephaniah thank you for sharing this lovely praise report. The retreat was so retreat did us all so good and the time we could spend with our HH was so awesome, He really pampered us. And I took had to have a look into my unforgiveness and could just give it to my HH.

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