The good shepherd gathers His lost sheep

Do you have a loved one that is lost? Broken and torn up and it seems like they will never get anywhere in life? They are always struggling and seems like they won’t amount to anything or they are lost in the world??

Have you read today’s My Beloved devotion?


I was so encouraged and was led to pray for my younger brother whose been so lost from a very young age. As l was praying God showed me in His word that “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

I was so encouraged to know that the Lord who is my HH Heavenly Husband gathers His lost sheep who is my brother who He loves so much and that He laid down his life for Him so l can just rest in that as l live the Abundant Life He gave me and my loved ones because He says He came that they may have life and have it to the FULL 💗

6 thoughts on “The good shepherd gathers His lost sheep”

  1. Louvados seja o nome do Senhor!!
    Este devocional falou muito ao meu coração hoje.
    Veio como resposta de uma oração muito chorada!
    Que confirmação!!! Meu Amado é lindo e fala comigo…eu consigo ouvi-Lo!!
    Te amo meu Amor!!
    Obrigada Atarah por compartilhar!

    Praise be to the name of the Lord!! This devotional spoke so much to my heart today. It came as an answer to a much-cried prayer! What confirmation!!! My Beloved is beautiful and speaks to me…I can hear Him!! Love you my love!! Thank you Atarah for sharing!

      1. Uau!! Que grande satisfação falar com você Erin!!
        Eu acompanho o ministério em Português, mas acompanho os outros também!
        Louvo a Deus por sua vida e por todas as ministras.
        Encontrar vocês, e meu Marido Celestial, mudou a minha vida!
        Um grande abraço,

        Wow!! What a great pleasure talking to you Erin!! I follow the ministry in Portuguese, but I follow the others too! I praise God for your life and for all ministers. Meeting you, and my Heavenly Husband, has changed my life! Gratitude!! A big hug, Rayna

    1. Thank you Erin, l did copy the jumplink but l see now it opens the full month instead of the day, so I will rather paste it as a url.
      OK thanks l must remember to make sure I set it to open on a new page 🙏

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