The Wall of Hate Fell

“Actually, then, it is already a defeat for you, that you have lawsuits with one another. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded?” (1C6:7)

“Thus says the LORD, Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength” (J17:5)

We received this from Nelly in the Dominican Republic.

After reading all these questions and the answers some questions were answered, I am in the process of my divorce, a few days ago the bailiff brought me the notification of the divorce decree, and for this September 13 they will take the sentence to the civil office to continue with the process, I can tell you that the Lord has given me so much peace, and in relation to the process I have agreed with my husband not to interfere in his desire to divorce me, the wall of hate fell and we spoke regularly, I expressed my I wish to have a united family and I also apologized for having been a contentious woman and for not being the submissive, respectful and quiet wife. I really have not done all this just to want something from my ET or to comply, I have done it to be obedient to my EC, before I could not ask for forgiveness and I thought that I was the good one, God knows how sorry I am for so many years that I did not live according to his word, for how I did not look for him as I do now for everything, but I also thank him for all this journey because he has taught me to look for him and know that man’s help is vain, and just as I read here, I had already told my beloved He doesn’t owe me anything, it’s all because of his mercy. And thanks to this ministry for so much help based on the word of God, I will continue with my Jesus and I trust and know that everything works for my good, and that I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.

~ Nelly

Nelly commented here which we translated to share

She commented on our FD Chapter 3. Difficult QUESTIONS with BIBLICAL Answers

FD Chapter 3. Difficult QUESTIONS with BIBLICAL Answers

Facing Divorce does not need to be scary. If we know Gods word the truth will set us free to face divorce without fear because nothing is IMPOSSIBLE for God!!

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3 thoughts on “The Wall of Hate Fell”

  1. Nothing is impossible with God. Read His word and follow His principles. Your situation will turn around. The ways of the world lead to disaster but His way leads to peace. I faced divorce twice with my EH and responded just as we have learned in the courses, my EH dropped the discussion each time. You may have the walk through a divorce to get to the other side. But your testimony will be used to help more women who are suffering.

  2. So true Ela divorce was part of my journey and something l needed to walk thru but l will never forget the peace l felt when i went to speak to the Lord about it. I felt in my spirit Him giving me peace about it because HE took away my fear. When it happened when l actually had to sign the papers it was hard there was a war inside me because l didnt want to sign those papers but l wanted to be obedient and let go and trust Him. And then He did restore when He knew my heart was 100% HIS. Thank u elda for commenting because it reminded me of how l felt and l could share this encouragement too.

    1. Atarah I can relate to what you shared: ” it was hard there was a war inside me because l didnt want to sign those papers but l wanted to be obedient and let go and trust Him”. I too had this war inside me when I had to sign the papers.
      But my HF (He was not my HH yet at that stage, but my HF) helped me to overcome the fear of divorce, although it was not easy to go through and a bit sad, He was there helping me through and He gave me peace about the divorce.
      Looking back I can’t believe how far my HH brought me on this journey, bringing healing and taking the sorrow away.
      This chapter also really helped me through:

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