Turned the Whole Situation Around

Dear brides, even though we don’t know who the author is, who wrote this, nevertheless, I just wanted to share it with you, and hope that you will leave a comment if it resonates with you.

“I wanted to praise my HH for another relationship He is restoring in my life. My younger niece is in her twenties and we had always had a good relationship up until about 3 yrs ago. For some reason she grew distant to me and she became a little rude and hesitant towards me around the time that I moved at my sisters house with them. She is very much into dark things, scary movies and just things that I try to stay away from.

She has moved out of the home twice and ended up coming back to live here. At times she would be rude to me or say things that hurt me but I would never say anything in return. It would hurt me so much because of the things she would say and I just disliked so much how she disrespected her parents all the time and how she treated her sister. She is very much a feminist and a young woman with an attitude, who likes to “be heard”. I can’t judge her as I know that I used to have some of those same character traits. I would just cry out to the Lord ro help me keep my mouth shut and to pray for her. I felt so unwelcome with her around. My sister would always tell me that it was my fault because I never demanded respect from her but I don’t think that respect is something that you demand. Honestly I did not think it was my place to discipline someone else’s daughter, I believe it’s the parents job. Anyways, I just always kept quiet and when she moved back, things became awkward. We would pass each other and not say a word.

She would come home and I would try to keep the peace by staying out of her way or just leaving the room if she started to act unbecomingly to people. I would avoid getting hurt so I thought I was doing what the Lord wanted me to do and just keep quiet and stay out of the way. Well, the Lord showed me one day that He does not tell us to do the same thing for everyone. Some people we get out of their way and some we need to confront with love. What I mean by that is that I needed to show love and attention even if I was to get rejected. I was guarding myself so much that it may have been a little pride creeping up. Maybe I didn’t want to let my pride get hurt if she was mean to me or had an attitude with me. God gives grace to the humble, so I needed to show humility and kindness no matter what. I started to make conversation with her when i saw her, I started to ask how her day at work went even if she seemed upset. I would find ways to make her smile or give her a compliment. This really turned the whole situation around.

Now we talk much more to each other. She now asks my opinion on certain things or she will get home and be excited to share something with me. If she’s making something to eat she will come and ask if I would like to have some too or if I’m cooking she will ask if I can make her some also. There has been a huge change in this relationship and at times I wish she didn’t have such a worldly mentality about women and the attitude but I know God will finish the work He started and that it is not my place to judge but to show mercy, humility and love instead just like He did to me! Thank you Lord for all the beautiful relationships in my life that You are restoring and for showing me how to love like You!”

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3 thoughts on “Turned the Whole Situation Around”

  1. I also decided to share this praise as it was really good and so encouraging when dealing with those family members that are difficult to love. Giving us insight into how to show them God’s love in action! Reading this reminded me of that scripture:

    Titus 2:3-5 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

    And as an aunt she is showing her niece so much love, this is teaching in action and winning without words but by showing LOVE and CARE!! I do believe we all have that family member who is hard to love and get along with… We need to seek the Lord to find out how He wants us to treat them, ask Him for the words to speak… and most certainly LOVE does conquer ALL!!!

  2. Dear Atarah, thank you for sharing this praise of an unknown author, I also have a family member and I always try to avoid her when she gets difficult but I am really going to rather just ask God for wisdom and show her love because I know now that is what she needs and yes LOVE DOES CONQUER ALL!!!

  3. Thank you, Atarah, for sharing Although I do not have family members that I do not get along with, there are people that enter your live for a season, maybe a work colleague or just somebody else you do not get along with. Previously I would also just avoid these people with the attitude that if they don’t like me that is their problem and we can just stay out of each other’s way, but that is not always possible, especially if you have to work with them and I used to be not nice to them with a real bad attitude, making it worse. I know now that is not the correct way and you must treat them with love, humility and a gentle and quiet spirit regardless, because that is HIS way.

    Sometimes there are people you do get along with but they have a wordly attitude and don’t believe the same as you. But I’ve also learned not to preach to them or argue about what they believe, but to show His love through your actions and the joy you have in your life. To be a epistle. To remain humble and not judge them for what they believe, but to let His light, love and joy shine through you so they will want what you have, and when they ask, you can tell them WHO’s love is in you.

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