Where can I find the Alluring Video? and Restored Marriage Testimonies link?

We received this comment asking us where can she find the QandA video Alluring and unconditional love. I replied to her beneath so if you have read the “How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage” book and you would like to know you can click on the link to find out: https://hopeatlast.com/podcast%f0%9f%8e%99%ef%b8%8fww-with-guests-yvonne-micah/#comment-1366

And we received the following question that was emailed to us:

Dear brides
Please help me with a link where I can find Restores marriage testimonies.
Stay blessed 🥰

Here is the link : https://encouragingwomen.org/category/rmt/

If you have a question please feel free to post it as a comment or you can post it as a praise, this helps us to not only answer you but helps us to help many more women who could have the exact same question 🙂

3 thoughts on “Where can I find the Alluring Video? and Restored Marriage Testimonies link?”

  1. Thank you for sharing the links!!! There a lot of brides that may have the same question and now they can easily find the answer!!! Yupiii

  2. Yes lsabella l have come across this question a few times over the years l realy hope it helps some one 🙏

  3. Hello dear brides,
    still encouraging after almost 4 years on my journey with Him. i read so many of the testimonys regularly. Every time I read them something that appeals to me or that I didn’t notice last time. They are just as valuable to me as the lessons. Gives me the courage to keep going 💌.

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