“Whose Trust IS the Lord” -FDA, CH2

To suddenly be handed divorce papers is a huge shock and is enough to fill us with fear of the future—will the children be provided for? Will we be provided for? And on top of that, the church and many others see divorce as a death sentence and something we need to recover from.

Our flesh will want to fight against the divorce, fight for what is "rightfully" ours, and see to it that we are provided for. And that is also the advice we will get from those who are in the world; although well-meaning, it is worldly advice. We will be advised to appoint a good lawyer to fight for us.

But do you trust the Lord enough to release your lawyer or not appoint one? Do you trust Him enough to appoint Him as your Mighty Counselor?

When I was facing divorce, I was getting advice from everybody. I was told to appoint a good lawyer to fight for me and to see to it that I get what was "rightfully mine" and that the children and I are provided for. Basically, I was told to get "an eye for an eye" and to repay evil with evil. But that is not what the Lord teaches us in His word. He tells us not to stand in the way of sinners or to resist evil. So, I made the decision to appoint the Lord as my Mighty Counselor and to go through the divorce with Him by my side, applying the principles in this book. And although I still had some fear because I just started on my journey, I made the decision to only trust in Him, and He came through for the children and me despite what the divorce papers stated; we were provided for, and the divorce did not break me, yes it was a bit sad because that is not what I wanted for myself or the children.

"But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two" (M538).

After the divorce, I became a new woman. I was not broken. Just as the author shares in this lesson, if we go through a divorce as true believers, trusting Him completely, we will come out on the other side as new women, not broken women.

To build your faith to enable you to release your lawyer, you must read the principles in this book over and over again, refreshing your mind. Meditate on the scriptures in this book and His promises to you in His word, "washing yourself with the word," and read the testimonies in this book of those who went through divorce before you by putting their trust completely in the Lord, their Heavenly Husband.

If you want to be blessed, you must trust the Lord wholly and only.

"Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD and whose trust IS the LORD" (J175).

"Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble; He delivered them out of their distresses" (P1076).

I would like to encourage you to read Ch2 in Facing Divorce-Again, "Whose Trust IS the Lord."
Pour your heart out in your journal, post a praise or share what He showed you in the lesson in the comment section below.

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3 thoughts on ““Whose Trust IS the Lord” -FDA, CH2”

  1. When l heard that EH was filling in papers for divorce l also had a lot of fear and l didnt know what to do… I thought that l needed to get a lawyer but thankfully looking back l did not have the finances to afford one.. So when l finally learned about not appointing a lawyer it was a blessing in disguise. Like you l was scared because its also not what l wanted for my daughter who was 5yrs at the time but when l cried before Him He did give me peace about it. When the day came to sign those papers it was one of the hardest things l ever did and my flesh wanted to fight against it. But l knew that l needed to surrender and trust. I needed to let go.. Put my life and my future in His hands even if it meant going thru a divorce. And then l could live as His bride and as l drew closer to Him all my fear started melting away as l watched how He provided and supported me as l put my trust in Him.

  2. I was actually offered money to go and see a lawyer. The day I had to go and fetch the papers, the bailiff gave me the number of a good lawyer. But I knew that was not what I was going to do. The only way I was able to sign the papers was through HH strength, I couldn’t have done it without Him, that is why we need to spend a lot of time with Him to gain the strength to face divorce and go through it and follow the Biblical principles in this book. We need Him to let go and not stand in the way of what our eh wants to do.

    1. I agree Adina we need to spend bucket loads of time with Him and just meditating on His promises to have the strength to face divorce 🙏

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