Will my heart ever heal?

Hello beautiful ladies,

Last Sunday at the ministry meeting I was blessed to share with another woman and as we share what our Beloved taught with the lesson He Guide us, we mentioned about our tears and the times we wept.

When we are in crisis it is difficult to see things differently because we are hurt and heartbroken. We cry almost all day because the feeling of not being loved, of being rejected is unbearable. But, my HH asked me today to share that YES, our hearts will heal in time and our tears will start decreasing considerably.

When I started my journey I met God as someone very distant from me, then he made me learn with his words that he wanted a relationship with me and with all people regardless of what we have done, simply because we are his children and he loves us. Little by little we were building a relationship like the one I can have with another person, but with the advantage that He doesn’t hurt me nor make me cry on purpose, instead He comforts me, supports me, He wants me to be happy and He always gives me everything that is best for me (not always according to my will)

So let me go to the question we most ask when we are in despair, Will your heart heal? Yes, YES and YES! Of course YES, you only have to learn to build this intimacy with the Lord so that he becomes someone very close to you. Someone you can talk to during the day and night, go and search for the answers you are looking for in his word and don’t stop trusting him.

The walk will take some time, but your heart will be Healed. 💗

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4 thoughts on “Will my heart ever heal?”

  1. Hi Poppy, Thank you. I love this post. Yes, yes, and yes. ❤️‍🩹 😄

    Psalm 34:18. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

  2. Oh thank you for sharing this beautiful praise Poppy! A while ago I shared with Janine how I, before I found RMI and at the height of my marriage troubles” actually googled “can you die from a broken heart?” The pain was so intense that I thought I would die! But I didn’t, and looking back I can only smile, because YES, YES, YES, He heals a broken heart, totally and completely!

    1. Thank you Adina, most of the time, because we are in a different place now, we forget how important it is to share with others the baby steps we gave when our journey started and my HH put that in my heart so others (specially new brides) know that our relationship with him needs to be built, it does come from night to day but by working on it day to day.

  3. Psalms 147:3 TPT “He heals the wounds of every shattered heart.” I love this passion translation.

    Poppy thank you so much for coming to share this!! Yes Yes of course!! We cannot heal if we don’t let go and give Him our hurts and our heart to mend. He healed my broken heart that felt like it was shattered into a million pieces. Yes l cried too.. so much, angry, bitter, disappointed, heartbroken, frustrated tears…

    Psalm 56:8
    New Living Translation
    8 You keep track of all my sorrows.[a]
    You have collected all my tears in your

    But then l learned that l can cry to Him!! and give HIM my tears and hurts and disappointments and that changed everything, l started healing !!

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