wLL79 “GOD Directs“ and Helps Us 🙌🏾

Hi Ladies, so yesterday l posted about Seeking God 🙏 To take this topic a bit further today l would like to share the Living Lesson “God Directs” which is based on the scripture:

Proverbs 16:9 AMP
A man’s mind plans his way [as he journeys through life], But the Lord directs his steps and establishes them.

The mind of a person plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.

wLL79 “GOD Directs“

I hope that what l share will help you 💗 as much as it helped me and many other Brides to form a closer bond and intimacy with our HH. It is only through being close to HIM and Him helping us that we are able to navigate this Journey with Him.

Without Him it’s really difficult to live out the principles shared in “A Wise Woman”. A lot of the time we stumble and we struggle to live it out on a daily basis.. AND a lot of the time we beat ourselves up because we may have read a particular principle but we know we are not living it out or we do the complete opposite 😕

Having a HH to run to & say “Darling please forgive me and help me do better next time” makes all the difference!!

🤔 I’m thinking this would make a great Podcast topic for new Brides 🙏 what do you think?

Ladies l have a request to make, a favor to ask 🙏 I’m going to pray trusting for what I’m about to ask you 🤗

Could you come and Post your Praise and please register for this blog 🙏 I would love to hear and I’m sure many other women out there would love to hear your Praise and experiences on the topics shared 💗

I’m sure nobody wants to only hear from me only 🤭 and my experiences.. you are all Encouraging Women and have a lot to share to encourage other Women 🤗

Much love! Atarah

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6 thoughts on “wLL79 “GOD Directs“ and Helps Us 🙌🏾”

  1. Thank you, Atarah, so I have always said that if you live what is written in the Wise Woman, you will get a restored marriage, but my question to all the brides coming here is: “Is that all you want?” I get that we are broken-hearted when we come here and all you want is your family back, but wow, if you follow the principles with the desire to have more of your Heavenly Husband and just leave the rest up to Him, He will give you so much more than just a restored marriage. He will give you the Abundant Life you are longing for here on earth.

  2. Oh WOW, that’s so profound!!! I had to grab what you said and add it to https://hopeatlast.com/ev/
    *Atarah, I made a few necessary changes/updates such as the RYM FREE coupon code is right ON https://encouragingbookstore.com/women-resources/wrym/ because we WANT women to have this book.
    Also, other references that we’ve let go of I tried searching for the term to make it current. Speak to your Husband about going in with a bit more clean up. If you’re concerned about removing something important, you as an Adm can make a copy—but work on the original, then you can always ask someone to have a look.

  3. Dear Atarah, thank you very much for sharing the lesson. I am so grateful to my Husband who provides us with tools to translate and have access to all the material, as you know English is not my first language and sometimes it is hard for me to understand when listening, but thanks to my Husband I can get the subtitles in Spanish that They allow me to concentrate on the message without pressure. 😃🙌

  4. Thank you Atarah for sharing this Praise. Yes I think it would help new brides to have information about letting Him direct all your steps and also to understand that although we all want to be a Wise Woman and follow the principles word by word, when you are facing a trial, you can act completely different from what pleases God and it does not mean that you failed, that you are not worthy. It means that He wants to humble us, that He needs us to run to Him to clean our heart, to learn the lesson and to continue holding his hand.

  5. Your statement:

    Having a HH to run to & say “Darling please forgive me and help me do better next time” makes all the difference!!

    It really does make a difference and I’m so thankful He understands and forgives me. I’m grateful He doesn’t give up on me after so many mistakes and loves me unconditionally. 💕

  6. Yes we cannot follow the principles in the WW if He doesn’t help us, if we can’t Seek God and ask Him to direct our steps in whatever we do or whatever we face. Sometimes I still want to act in the flesh, and sometimes do, but now I quickly realize my mistakes and can go back to my Husband and ask His forgiveness and I know He is right there to forgive and pick me up again. In the past I would find hundreds of reasons to justify what I did, and forget about it, but not anymore, I know when I made a mistake because He gently and lovingly shows me when my actions doesn’t work out the way I wanted it to work out…..

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