WW Cape Town Retreat 2023 – Seeking Him, Singing praises to Him & Praying in Agreement .

Hello Beautiful Brides,

I had been seeking Him in what to write (there is so much praise to share) and when I should sit down and type up my praise.
And this evening, as I am enjoying a lovely cup of tea and eating a divine Lindt chocolate that my darling HH gifted me on valentine’s day ( Ladies we have the best man a woman could ever need, want, or desire) I feel led to write my praise – He is the one giving me the words to type… 😊

The retreat was a whole month ago –

Ladies the retreat was wonderful…. I saw so many little details that Keziah and the Cape town team ( led by our HH) had thought of… details to show us how loved we were and how precious we are in His sight.

— Kind words, sweet treats, personalized pens & notebooks, fresh fruit, our BNNs, a centering space with candles, WW posters & WW book for each of the ladies, refreshments – tea & coffee if we needed, a WW retreat candle, a safe space to share and listen for/to His voice, words of wisdom & encouragement.—

I loved getting to meet the woman and especially connecting with the ministry team ladies was such a huge blessing for me… I loved getting to know them more and having them share their journeys with us.

My spirit was so moved when the woman would all sing praises to our HH – my heart was lifted higher and higher. There were also many moments of laughter and joy as the Lord lit our faces up with His love.

I loved the time of deep reflection we had as we were able to journal through the sessions.

And we were again reminded to seek Him our HH.

One precious moment for me was when the ministry ladies (the ‘SA national team’ as we were referred to) prayed early Sunday morning – together in agreement over our finances and trusting the Lord for our provision in each of our lives. (praise coming from this soon )

The setting and venue were truly beautiful – I loved being able to sit and look over the water and at Table Mountain and feel the sun and wind on me.
It led me to think that the Holy Spirit was moving in this place- leading and guiding us all on this restoration journey.
His warm radiance shining on our faces was evident when we left the retreat & I believe we also had more of the Holy Spirit to guide us going forward.

What I would also like to say is how the WW retreat has impacted my life since returning home.
I do need to be honest and share I’ve had some challenges the past month and the enemy played a lot of doubt in my mind as I’ve had several frustrating situations to deal with too … But I am reminded this is a journey and spiritual battle that we need to take our HH.

So as we have a wonderful HH – these are some of the changes that have taken place in my heart – nothing big looking from the outside – but big from my heart & mind.
These ‘heart’ changes have been a greater desire to want God’s best for my life and a greater desire to be the woman God has called me to be … His Beautiful Bride … to forgive more and over and over, especially when the ‘bad’ memories/ thoughts arise. To have more of a quiet and gentle spirit that is precious in the sight of the Lord. Also, take time to be in His presence and experience His Love for me.
There is more I’d like to share, for now, I will share what my HH has led me to share.

I believe the Lord is doing a new and greater thing and soon we will see more of the ‘first fruits of the first WW retreat
Be blessed beautifully – radiant brides as you continue to seek your HH for your life.

5 thoughts on “WW Cape Town Retreat 2023 – Seeking Him, Singing praises to Him & Praying in Agreement .”

  1. Thank you so much Alina for sharing, brought back so much memories and yes His attention to detail and how He led the CT team was just breathtaking!

    And being able to be there in that circle Sunday morning, praying, was an amazing experience!

    The weekend was so amazing and filled with His love and blessings, I will never forget the weekend!

  2. Our dear sweet Alina it was 1 of the highlights of my life to meet you and all the other ladies l have come to love so much! 😍 the CT team went above and beyond!

    I love what you shared. That “soon we will see the first fruits of the first WW Retreats” that is so profound. May each and every one of us as WW and His Bride experience the fruits of the ministry His given to each 1 of us as encouraging women 🤗

  3. Hi Alina

    This retreat is a month and we still eating the fruit of the weekend as on a daily basis about the kindness in your tongue and its feels as if its yesterday what a bless weekend

  4. This praise Alina is so beautiful am
    imagining all the detailed you just described at the venue, how our wonderful heavenly husband provided for all his brides. Am really looking forward for how our heavenly husband is going to arrange a bigger WW treat for all his brides around the world to attend. Am believing him for a this.

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