Renew • Rebuild • Restore
"The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her own hands."
★ Together, Let's Rebuild!★
When it comes to relationships —MOST of us have no idea what GOD says—nor do pastors, Christian counselors, or Bible Study teachers. No one but GOD knows how to navigate through the difficult and challenging relationships in every woman's life. A Wise Woman rebuilds on the Rock and His Word!
Renew Your Mind • Rebuild Your Life • Restore Your Family
"By WISDOM a House is Built"
"By WISDOM a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge, the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches”—Proverbs 24:3–4
Chapter 1 "On the Rock" Build Wisdom by Journaling
☊ Listen to ~ Esme in Connecticut
Chapter 2 "First Love" Build Wisdom by Journaling
☊ Listen to ~Esme in Connecticut
Chapter 3 "A Gentle and Quiet Spirit" Build Wisdom by Journaling
☊ Listen to ~Esme in Connecticut
Chapter 4 "Kindness on Her Tongue" Build Wisdom by Journaling
☊ Listen to ~Esme in Connecticut
Chapter 5 "Won Without a Word" Build Wisdom by Journaling
☊ Listen to ~Esme in Connecticut
Chapter 6 "A Contentious Woman" Build Wisdom by Journaling
☊ Listen to ~Esme in Connecticut
Weekend Assignment: Fill out a Weekly Restoration Journey Check-in form and a WEEKLY Praise Report.
Praise Report Guidelines
"By UNDERSTANDING it is Established"
"By wisdom a house is built, and by UNDERSTANDING it is established; and by knowledge, the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches”—Proverbs 24:3–4
Chapter 7 "Chaste and Respectful" Establish Understanding by Journaling
☊ Listen to ~Esme in Connecticut
Chapter 8 "Wives, Be Subject" Establish Understanding by Journaling
☊ Listen to ~Esme in Connecticut
Chapter 9 "Helper Suitable" Establish Understanding by Journaling
☊ Listen to ~Esme in Connecticut
Chapter 10 "Various Trials" Establish Understanding by Journaling
☊ Listen to ~Esme in Connecticut
Weekend Assignment: Fill out a Weekly Restoration Journey Check-in form and a WEEKLY Praise Report.
Praise Report Guidelines
"By KNOWLEDGE it is Filled"
"By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge, the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches”—Proverbs 24:3–4
Chapter 11 "I Hate Divorce" Filled with Knowledge by Journaling
MORE Understanding Facing Divorce Courses
☊ Listen to ~Esme in Connecticut
Chapter 12 "The Fruit of the Womb" Filled with Knowledge by Journaling
☊ Listen to ~Esme in Connecticut
Chapter 13 "The Ministry of Reconciliation" Filled with Knowledge by Journaling
☊ Listen to ~Esme in Connecticut
Chapter 14 "The Ways of Her Household" Filled with Knowledge by Journaling
☊ Listen to ~Esme in Connecticut
Chapter 15 "Your Mother’s Teachings" Filled with Knowledge by Journaling
☊ Listen to ~Esme in Connecticut
Weekend Assignment: Fill out a Weekly Restoration Journey Check-in form and a WEEKLY Praise Report.
Praise Report Guidelines
"Filling your life with "PRECIOUS & Pleasant Riches"
"By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge, the rooms are filled with all PRECIOUS AND PLEASANT RICHES”—Proverbs 24:3–4
★★★★★ Chapter 16 "Women, Encourage the Younger Women" Filled with PRECIOUS & Pleasant Riches by Journaling
☊ Listen to ~Esme in Connecticut
★★★★★ Chapter 17 "Opening the Windows of Heaven" Filled with PRECIOUS & Pleasant Riches by Journaling
☊ Listen to ~Esme in Connecticut
★★★★★ Chapter 1 "What Is the Abundant Life?" Filled with Precious & Pleasant Riches by Journaling #FAL1 ☊ Listen to ~ Katriel in Arizona
★★★★★ Chapter 2 "Finding Your Life" Filled with Precious & Pleasant Riches by Journaling #FAL2
★★★★★ Chapter 3 "The Love of My Life" Filled with Precious & Pleasant Riches by Journaling #FAL3
Weekend Assignment: Fill out a Weekly Restoration Journey Check-in form and a WEEKLY Praise Report.
Praise Report Guidelines
A Spirit of Gratitude Partner "Thank You Note"
Having a spirit of gratitude is an invaluable quality in any woman—so express this by thanking the partners who made this FREE Course possible! You'll also be given the opportunity to sponsor another women or a group of women—and also give to your Bible Study Leader.
Course 1: Renew, Rebuild, Restore
A Wise Woman is the book Erin wrote that you'll see is filled with the scriptures and wisdom the Lord revealed that led to her REBUILDING her life and marriage on the Rock—which led to restoration!
Later, He led Erin to pull a few chapters to create How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage as a fast track to get women out of crisis—that we trust you have already read that led you to find
This book, A Wise Woman, is the very foundation on which God has called you to build your life upon—His Word—the Rock. It's designed for every woman—married or not.
“Therefore everyone who hears these Words of Mine, and acts upon them, may be compared to a wise man, who built BUILT their house upon the ROCK. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew and burst against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded upon the rock. Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them will be like the foolish who built their house on sinking sand.”
"The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her own hands."
Once you have a strong foundation for your life as a woman, daughter, sister, niece, friend, and (if you’re married), wife— you will find yourself able to be who God created you to be!
We are very thankful you have sensed His leading to begin to lay that all-important foundation for your life—to restore your life to the fullest. We trust He will help you travel through this all-inspiring masterpiece that God compiled into this one book—one course—designed just for YOU!
"Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored. in all things show yourself to be an example of good deeds, with purity in doctrine, dignified, sound in speech which is beyond reproach, so that the opponent will be put to shame, having nothing bad to say about us."
“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the path is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it...

For the gate is small and the path is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it."
To set the mood, we'd encourage you to begin by listening to 🎶 "Unforgettable" 🎶 to help you remember this is a journey you are taking with your Husband, your Maker, who has called you when you felt forsaken, grieved, and rejected. He has called you to travel along with Him. So no matter what difficulties you encounter during this journey— HE promised to bring you through. So wake up early, set out early, and allow Him to lead you.
We'd encourage you to download 🎶 "Unforgettable" 🎶 and listen to this or another Love Song that you can sing each morning that will remain in your heart throughout the day. Giving you a lighter and more loving heart to keep you moving forward—and especially when you begin reading your weekly lesson. Here are the Lyrics.
“So will My Word be which goes forth from My mouth;
It will not return to Me empty,
Without accomplishing what I desire,
And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.“
Do just ONE LESSON per WEEK so that (like medicine or antibiotics) each of His Promises and Principles has time to do what He intended and it needs to do:
- Too many lessons at one time not only does NO good—but can actually cause you to miss the benefits.
- Waiting too far in between also is harmful because it allows for the ways of the world to enter back into your mind and heart.
“Is there no balm [cure, relief, comfort]...? Is there no Physician there? Why then has not the health of the daughter of my people been restored?” There is a healing balm in the Word of God; there is a Physician, so why is the spiritual health of God’s people failed to be healed? God says, “My people perish for a lack of knowledge.”
Washed with the Water
OPEN each link to read His Promise to you—allowing each to wash you clean and refresh your soul. "So that He might sanctify [purify] her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the Word." Copy and save each of His Promises—just as you would from your Lover—to read again and again and again.

In order to rebuild your home and your life, you must refer to the best blueprints. Your blueprints must be His Word, which you will find in this Course.
By reading His Promises, you will begin to discover the Cornerstone that everything your life must be built on. Our Cornerstone is taking Him as your Lord, not just your Savior, then to go beyond joy as you become His beautiful bride. With a renewed mind, the Lord's blueprint, and Him by your side, you will then be able to rebuild your life instead of foolishly building it again and again on sinking sand.
A Wise Woman
Are you READY to JOIN us?!
We would love you to JOIN ONE or more of our Wise Woman Fellowships. Women from around the world come together to share PRAISE and Fellowship—as each travels through their RESTORATION JOURNEY on through to their ABUNDANT LIFE JOURNEY! We hope we will see you there!
Find out more about Our Fellowships Meeting LIVE on Zoom!!
*If you're interested in becoming a PRM or ALC "Abundant Life Coach" you can find out more on RMIOU!
Be sure to invite Never Married younger women while they read the same corresponding Wise Women in Waiting Lesson. Don't age segregate! Erin said her most powerful Fellowship meetings were when the classroom was lined (standing room only) and there were young, never-married women, who came to listen to the older women who "boasted about their weaknesses" as a warning and they couldn't get enough!
"I want to praise my beloved Heavenly Husband because today he responded to a desire from my heart! I told my Beloved that I wanted to have a study of a wise woman with other women because I know that I need to persist and study this book over and over again because although I have read it several times I still have a lot to learn from it, each time I read it.
One day I shared again with my sister that I would like us to study the book and that "I wish we could invite other women" so I told her that we just had to start and that more women would surely join in the process. Then she said that she would ask three of her friends to whom we gave the Wise Woman books printed some time ago.
Today was our first meeting, and I am so excited to think of how beautiful my Beloved will do in each of our lives throughout this study !! At the end of the meeting, my Beloved reminded me I could invite a friend to whom I also gave the printed book and who has wanted to study it, because she says she wants what I have a relationship with Him So I invited her and she immediately said that if she wanted to attend, wow !! How wonderful! Now we are 6 women!!!
Beloveds, don't miss your chance to share the good news with every woman! This is sowing in His kingdom, in the lives of those women and their families. ~ Anastasia
More Courses + Ministering Opportunities
I’m so happy that you started teaching this course, Atarah. God bless you!!
Thank you Erin!! I am soooo very happy to be teaching this course!! Praise God!! Beyond what I could ever have dreamed or imagined!!
Here is the link to the 1st Lesson, I will be adding a Lesson each week to the YouTube Playlist:
I have gotten both “God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage” as well as “Wise Woman”. I am not sure how to sign up for your courses. I am in fasting and prayer daily. I am just finishing a 7 day fast… yes I am very weak. But determined to be closer to God and then restoration for my marriage.
Most of the testimonies are about men in bad situations. I was the one… I was the abuser, emotionally and physically. I am the one to blame. I was back-sliden. My husband through no fault of his own was in and out of jobs. I was only concerned with keeping my life perfect. My son went to the Naval Academy and my daughter is at the Air Force Academy. My husband divorced me in August 2022, my mother died two days later. In a fog. He moved to Ohio for a job and bought a house. I am pulling close to the Lord, no tv, in prayer, the Word or online sermons daily. Can you help?
Hi there dear precious Ruth. I am so that you asked! Of course we can help and our Wise Woman course is absolutely perfect for you! You can fill on our Marriage Evaluation Questionare so that we can help you get started it’s found on our Marriage Help online page
Ruth I was a contentious wife who belittled my eh earthly husband and expected him to give me what my brother in law gave my sister because l was not content. You can read this beautiful Testimony to know that God restores even when “It Was Me”
The Lord is using this time to draw you closer to Him and never forget that He works All things for GOOD 💞
i just posted my comment. I guess I am just wondering if since I am the one who destroyed our marriage …. the only “sin” my husband committed was the divorce. He said he had to be away from me to heal. I get this. I just wish he would have only separated from me. But I am a strong willed woman…. striving to be a more submissive quiet woman, and I guess it was the only way he could stop my advance to restore us aside from God. Almost all of the testimonies deal with a husband who was at fault through something. But ladies, my husband was a gem. He just sent a phone to me when mine failed. He still has me on his plan. He was a gift from God that I literally kicked to the curb. Please help.