Podcast🎙Discussing RYM with Erin & Yvonne 💓 Part 1

Erin, Atarah and Yvonne discuss the RYM book that was published and how it was used to minister to people in prison. Erin and Atarah discuss a friend who had her marriage restored. We also discuss RMIOU with Yvonne who is heading up our Restore Ministries International ONLINE UNIVERSITY.

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7 thoughts on “Podcast🎙Discussing RYM with Erin & Yvonne 💓 Part 1”

  1. Erin I love how you say He just used you as a willing vessel. 💕 Also about planting the seeds for the books. Those seeds not only bloomed into marriage restoration books to restoring relationship books. I’m also using the Restore Your Relationship book for my wait for my EH to be drug free. I have went to through that book the last few days and copy and pasted paragraphs that will help me through this waiting time. A lot of the same principles apply, rather it be for marriage, relationship, health restoration. I have pulled about 20 pages worth out and tried to adjust to my situation to meditate and wait until His perfect timing.
    Thank you for being that willing vessel. ♥️


    1. What you’re Husband led you to gather SPECIFICALLY for your Hope to see you EH drug Free is the PERFECT foundation for your Ministry Hope!! https://rmiou.com/gs/

      And once you are ready we would LOVE ❤️ to have you as our Guest https://restoreministriesinternational.com/rm/ so that other women: wives, sisters, mothers etc can be encouraged by your ministry.

      I’m hoping that we can secure an instructor for this course who would offer workshops and be open to accepting donations as a stream of income.

      TrustingGOD2Bdrugfree.com is NOT what I’d imagined for your website bc it sounds like it’s WE who needs to be drug free. However is this what it means to Stand in the Gap? Doing what our Savior did by taking our sins upon Himself? When I saw it was available and the price was just $18 a year… just made me think 🤔 unless this is for Adina’s brother who I heard has the most AMAZING testimony!!!

      1. Yes, he does have an amazing testimony, being an atheist for a long time until he had an encounter with the Lord. I mentioned EM to him and to maybe start sharing his testimony, his SS, I will help him once he is ready to share, but waiting and trusting HH to speak to him and give him the desire to minister through his testimony. At the moment he is serving through music at his church.

        WOW, I loved listening to this podcast, how He led and used you and just opened the way for you and this ministry!

        1. His Salvation Story is also a huge testimony of answered prayer for me. He was an atheist and all the people he worked with was also atheists, making it worse.

          Before my journey started, I used to try and speak to him about the Lord, getting involved in arguments about the Bible and whether God is real, but once my journey started, I let go. But I started to pray for him, never saying anything else or trying to talk to him but I asked my Husband to reveal Himself to my brother, to show him that HE IS real. I prayed for his soul, I prayed that he would become the man the Lord created him to be.

          And then the pandemic hit, and my brother was all alone (he has never been married) and far away from me and the family, and in that period of time the Lord revealed Himself to my brother. In his loneliness he felt the presence and the call of his Heavenly Father…

          1. Every time I hear details, I am in AWE!!

            My Husband led me to YOUR ministry Adina https://loveatlast.org/fc/ss/

            When searching, I realized it needed this addition in quotes.
            SS14 “Former Drug Addict” Brother John
            I notice the journals are there, but adding a “Post Your Praise” move off of wufoo?
            But the main thing is allowing for comments (yours from here) and then when you get comments that are testimonies and would ADD to the original testimony, move it to the page and delete the comment.
            You can start with your brother… each time I hear more so maybe He’ll show you the others you can add. HOW encouraging!!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing Hope this book also had a huge impact in starting out my journey. Here is the link for Restore Your Relationships I’m so glad you mentioned it Hope in case anyone else is interested https://loveatlast.org/ryr/.

    It’s true it’s not all about marriage restoration, his heart is for restoration of marriages and families ❤ He wants to restore all areas of our lives, our health our relationships our finances. That is why we encourage women to read the book and then pass it on and sow the seeds of hope.

  3. Love this Podcast!! Thank you for sharing how everything begun!!! This had help all of us, to trust in the Lord and to wait for Him!!
    I want to share that by reading this book 5 times, help me to understand my condition and to go back to Him and to look only for Him!!!

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