He Leads Me in His Perfect Time

Last week was a struggle for me as fear for my children rose up and sought to overwhelm me. I had gotten a bit off track in my journey and felt unsure what I should do next. Yesterday my Love lead me to go through the RRR course again, but this time to submit to the recommended process by using my computer (rather than my cell phone) and actually filling out the journal forms.

He confirmed His hand in this right away…the introductory lesson ended with a link to the EXACT testimony I had just bookmarked in my physical WOTT book. Then, while reading the first lesson, I received some conviction regarding how I’d responded to a conversation with a family member earlier in the week. I was thankful for some practical tips on how to handle these.

This morning I was completely at peace and had a very good conversation with EH about holiday schedules for the children. I was reflecting on some of the things he’d said, asking my HH to help me to “keep my load light” and protect me from picking up the guilt of my sin again. I had JUST finished writing out a prayer in my journal when my EH called. We had a pleasant, fairly long conversation. Later in the day, he texted. Tonight he called again…prior to this we had barely spoken in months.

JUST LAST NIGHT I fully embraced the principle of leaving room for the other person to sow into the relationship and began reflecting on the health of many of my relationships. I also took the next step toward sowing into my relationship with RMI by filling out the journal forms and committing to work through the course as it has been so lovingly laid out for me.

What a wild journey this is! I am so thankful He is with me every step of the way, opening my eyes, ears, and heart to know Him more.

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4 thoughts on “He Leads Me in His Perfect Time”

  1. My dearest Dina, thank you so much for coming to share your Praise, I am soooo very thankful to our Beloved for leading you to start the process of journaling, I have read far too many RMT’s that said that it was journaling that made the biggest change, journaling is like medicine, it helps the healing process. https://hopeatlast.com/c1/spectator/

    It’s when we spend that quality time with Him and just sit with Him in the loving way He wants us to come to Him and talk to Him that I have found He just leads me and works things out for me, and yes reading a specific lesson or testimony helps tremendously especially when He leads us to the one, but it takes us to make that 1st step. I cant tell you how many times I have gone thru something and just at that point in time I am reading thru or journaling that exact lesson that I need!

    There are many great lessons and chapters on the website but Course 2 is not in a book but I have found so many lessons there that helped me so much.

    Here is the lesson Dina mentioned in her praise:

    Again Dina thank you so much for coming to share!

  2. Thanks for sharing. I’m so glad that your HH led and guided you. I also like to reread the books/lessons just to help renew my mind. 💕

    Isaiah 30:21
    Your ears will hear a word behind you, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the left.

  3. Thank you dear Dina for sharing. It is so comforting to know He is with us every step of the way. I also felt that if I was busy with a lesson that my loving HH would speak to me through a lesson at the spesific time that I needed it.

  4. Dear Dina, thank you for sharing your praise. I’m writing to you from Brazil, and I want to tell you that writing the lesson journals has helped me a lot on my journey, in addition to being a record of our journey, and later being used for encouragement to other brides.
    May our Beloved continue to lead you dear.💕

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