Financial Hope
So your finances are in shambles...
And you are desperately trying to dig yourself out of debt.
Like us, âI canât afford itâ has become your catchphrase.
You've wondered, "Is there really HOPE for my finances?"
Yes! There's Financial Hope at Last
And we are going to share what GOD showed us!
âNow, if any of you lacks wisdom, ask God,
who gives generously to all without finding fault,
won't correct you for asking, and it will be given to you."
Single Mothers Living in Poverty
"The very first thing my mother-in-law said after I told her that my husband, her son, had left me for another woman was to get a job and put my children in school and daycare while looking for a smaller place to live. Sadly, I knew she was speaking from a place of experience since her husband, my husband's father, left her for another woman and was left in a state of poverty. Even though she was a professed Christian, she never told me to trust God, that HE would supply all my needs, and that He wonderfully gave to His Beloved (me and my children) even in our sleep! Thankful for this advice, I knew in my mind and heart it wasn't the path I wanted to take, He faithfully led me to take a different path, this time and now to this day." ~ Erin Thiele
So, why do single mothers and children live in poverty while the father and husband who abandoned them live a seemingly blessed life of prosperity?!?!
It happened because you've been chosenâchosen to discover an abundant life that your husband, your partner, your income, your child support, and your government checks and programs can never come close to providing. Primarily, it's because each is limited. As His bride, He says you deserve unlimited blessings, probably something you never could imagine you could experience. âNow glory be to God, who by His mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream ofâinfinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.â

Each of us is here to share with you The Word of OUR Testimonies and the components that make up the wealth He longs to shower you with. It's nothing you've heard; it must be like the other resources you've found on RMI and her many websites. Nevertheless, besides our testimonies, everything we share will be what HE SAYS. It doesn't matter what any preacher or minister or anyone else says. What matters is what GOD said in His Word, which is alive and able to cut through the lies that are keeping you struggling to pay your bills and care for your family.
My GOD Shall Supply ALL Your Needs
As a mother, it's difficult to struggle financially when your wayward cheating spouse (and father of your children) is living it up. Trust me, we have all been there, and before going any furtherâI want to be clearâ we believe a father should pay to support his children. Yet, whenever you look to anyone but GOD for your needs, not only will you be horribly disappointed, but a father who is forced to pay child support is capable of doing some horrific thingsânot the least of these is stealing Custody away from you, the mother.
Yet, shockingly, there is an epidemic of homicides (especially in the USA and, I'm sure, in many other countries as well) where fathers are desperate enough to "eliminate" their exes entirely and even their very own children! Each time, the families could never have imagined this guy (even pastors) being sent to prison for lifeâbut what about the lives of the children who are left without a mother (because she's dead) or a father (because he's in prison)? These are dark days, and they're getting darker. âStay alert. This is hazardous work Iâm assigning you. Youâll be like sheep running through a wolf pack, so donât call attention to yourselves. Be as cunning as a snake, inoffensive as a dove.â Never forget, the destruction of the marriage destroys the family and the childrenâthis is a spiritual battle that is not won in the courts or by mediation. It's won by him or lost in the flesh.
âThus says the Lord, âCursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength, and whose heart [then eventually] turns away from the Lord. For he will be like a bush in the desert and will not see when prosperity comes, but will live in stony wastes in the wilderness, a land of salt without inhabitant.
âBlessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose trust is [ONLY] the Lord. For he will be like a tree planted by the water, That extends its roots by a stream and will not fear when the heat comes; but its leaves will be green, and it will not be anxious in a year of drought nor cease to yield fruit.â
If what I've said is not a wake-up call, I don't know what is, but let me share with you: when my husband abandoned his four small children (and me, his wife), he was working in a very lucrative job (where he met the OW "other woman"). Yet, even though they both had huge commissions coming in, he never paid any of our bills, rent, or food. My elderly parents (see linked picture above were in no position to help financially, but I'd never consider asking them either.
As I mentioned earlier, my MIL told me what to do (get a job), but my children had already lost their father! He was nowhere to be found, dead or alive, so this was no time in my children's lives to lose their mother, too! The fact that I had been a massive part of earning the family income with a career in orthodontics meant I could probably find a job, but when I worked when married, their father had always been with them when I worked. Again, with elderly parents, I could not expect them to watch my children while I worked. Yet, GOD set me up in order to bless me!!
Thankfully, from the time I was just seven years old, I had a Best Friend who I could go to and who I knew I could trust. To be honest, I had no idea how we got by until my husband showed up at the hospital when our two-year-old was rushed into surgery (and I left a message where I was told three months prior he no longer worked there). While visiting for the first time since his disappearance, the topic of money came up, and he was emphatic that he would not give me a penny. He would not pay the hospital costs, so don't ask. It was on me. If I didn't want my children to starve, I needed to go down and apply for government assistance (interestingly, he never said find an orthodontic position where he's abandoned us). Before leaving, he angrily told me, "Go get food stamps and stop being arrogant and prideful."
At that point, I had almost three months with my husband's bible, and I'd come to the part about wives being subject, but this was a big deal. Both my parents were raised by millionaire parents. Here I was, just a generation away, shamefully about to apply for food stamps. Ultimately, I did go and fill out the papers, but using the stamps (back in the early 1990s) was humbling. However, GOD used it for good in many ways, one way, is how I began to titheâanother lesson I'd learned from reading the bible my husband left behind.
At that point, I didn't have any money whatsoever, so I tithed from the overflow of food stamps I had left at the end of the month. I hadn't yet learned about giving Him our first fruits because this is, after all, a journey. The children and I grab a pallet and load it with huge bags of rice, beans, and enormous canned fruit. Then we'd drive over to our local Soup Kitchen where (primarily men) would come to get a hot meal and hear the gospel, the Good News. My children always got so excited helping to carry the bags and work along side me in the soup kitchen.
Does this mean you should do the same thing, too? Yes, but only if your husband (not your ex or never-married person) tells you to. But before you do anything, always speak to your Best Friend. And if He's not yet your Best Friend, ask Him how you can become Best Friends. Trust me, you need someone Who promises to stay by you during your journey and can reveal things you could never have imagined!!
"Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty and marvelous and wondrous things, which you do not knowâŚthings to come, things you could never figure out on your own, remarkable secretsâŚâ I still have this as one of my promises I shower in being "washed in the water of God's Word."
Giving when you don't have enough seems ludicrous, but when you ASK GOD what to do, you will think of or envision someone else in need. Most believers and nonbelievers beg God over and over, and often, He'll rescue you. But GIVING is Who God is. He gives. He gives because He loves. "For God so loved the world that He gave"âHe gave what was most precious to Him.
Just this morning, in answer to my asking God for wisdom to know how HE wanted this page to come together, one of the dearest, sweetest ministers I am very close to wrote to thank me. As a ministry consultant, she asked for wisdom regarding her "decrease in tithes" to her ministry. She said, "I asked my Beloved what was happening, and He sent you to tell me that it might seem fair to me to divide the tithes equally among my team, but HE told you that I should take a larger part as LMF and distribute the rest and that He would see an increase."
âBring the whole tithe into the STOREHOUSE, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,â says the Lord of hosts, âif I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows. THEN I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it may not destroy the fruits of the ground; nor will your vine in the field cast its grapes,â says the Lord of hosts.â M3810
RMI and Erin have had a policy in place since.We never ask for donations. We do not need your money. He says, "My GOD shall supply all your needs [RMI's needs] according to HIS riches in glory"âso why would we insult our Father and ask?
Instead, as a ministry, we are focused on "feeding His sheep," "leading the thirsty by still waters to drink," and "washing the wounded with the water with His Word" to heal, and ultimately protecting them from the devour due to their tithing. Knowing how each of us struggled with understanding this vital part of Living the Abundant Life, beginning with getting out of poverty, we have an abundance of resources we've listed here.
- Opening the Windows of Heaven
- Wise Woman in Waiting â â â â â Â Opening Heaven
- Milestone #1: Testimonies of Tithingâ â â â â
- Tithe & Offering
- Where We Invest Your Tithe & Offering
- Surrender & Trust
- Thankfulness TherapyÂ
- Â Please Note. Use #OpeningHeaven, when posting your praise regarding tithing and any testimony you want to add to one of our new WOT "Word of THEIR TESTIMONIES" books we are eager to publish soon. We are gathering from every language and every source. Why not let the world know what GOD has done for you by #OpeningHeaven when you began to apply His principles and believe His promises!!