“God is Looking to Reward You” -FDA, CH1

I want to start a series on the Facing Divorce Book today, it's been a desire of my heart for a long time because this book helped me to not only face and go through divorce, but also helped me to go through the custody case. During the divorce I was able to apply the principles, but still had some fear going through it, I was taking baby steps. But during my custody case I was spiritually more mature and had a closer relationship with my Heavenly Husband, which gave me the strength and boldness to lay down my will and go through it enthusiastically, and I am now reaping the rewards of following the principles and grabbing on to my HH. I would highly recommend this book, for each and every trail you are facing right now, not just divorce!

Are you suddenly and unexpectedly facing divorce (or custody or any other litigation coming against you), or is someone you know? When you just got married, and even afterwards, you might never have considered getting a divorce. You may be in shock right now, or as shocked as your friend or relative who is now facing divorce because they appeared to be the ideal couple.

When divorce papers are handed over to you, fear—fear of what the future will bring for you and your children—may overwhelm you. You might also experience a great sense of loss, heartbreak, and grief, in addition to fear. However, even though it might not look like it now, the Lord is still in control, and He has great things planned for you. You can take the word of all of us who have been through it. He promised in Jer. 29:11 that:

"‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.’"

Though the divorce may have come as a surprise to you, the Lord was aware of it; He knew you would be facing a divorce right now, and He is not surprised by it. He might stop the divorce, or He might allow you to go through it so you can encourage those who will face divorce after you. His timing and purpose are well beyond our understanding. His ways are higher than ours. Even though it may not feel that way right now, have faith that the Lord has everything under control.

"‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,’ declares the LORD. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.'" (Isa. 55:8–9).

Will you make the decision to walk through this as a true believer and without fear? If you can trust God for your eternity, then you can trust Him with what you are facing right now.

You will need to know the principles in this book to face divorce enthusiastically and without fear, which might sound impossible right now. But by reading the testimonies of those who went before you in this book and studying, meditating, and knowing the principles in this book and applying them, you too can go through this victoriously and step into the wonderful plans He has for you.

But first, you must draw closer to the Lord by spending enough time with Him in your prayer closet, where you will be comforted and be able to gain the strength you need to face what you are facing. Fasting will also help you overcome your flesh and keep quiet when your flesh wants to react.

As the author says, "If you take nothing else away from this book, please be sure to take this: He is not angry with you, He is not disappointed in you, and He does not think you are a failure. If this is the way you are feeling, or the way someone has spoken to you—it’s not from God. I promise."

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3 thoughts on ““God is Looking to Reward You” -FDA, CH1”

  1. I love that you sakd that HE is not surprised that you are facing divorce. He already knew. Its so true the most important thing is to take this time to spend lots of time with Him 🙏 l love the assurance that you shared at the end

    “He is not angry with you, He is not disappointed in you, and He does not think you are a failure. If this is the way you are feeling, or the way someone has spoken to you—it’s not from God. I promise.”

  2. Thank you for sharing Adina! I’m so happy that you were able to go through your journey applying these principles and receiving blessings along the way.

    I just began rereading this book because I remember feeling so at peace and comforted by Him that I felt I could get through anything. I also believe that these principles taught in this book can help anyone during any trial in life.

  3. Thank you, Adina. I am seeing how the truth of this principle can apply to any situation in life that may bring up fear of the future.

    I especially appreciate the reminder that our Love doesn’t ask us to stand or gain victory in our own strength.

    “…you too can go through this victoriously and step into the wonderful plans He has for you.

    But first, you must draw closer to the Lord by spending enough time with Him in your prayer closet, where you will be comforted and be able to gain the strength you need to face what you are facing.”

    First things first! I needed that confirmation today.

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