Helper Suitable

“Then the Lord God said,
‘It is not good for the man to be alone;
I will make him a helper suitable for him.’ ”
Genesis 2:18.

As I was rereading Chapter 9, Helper Suitable, I was reminded of how much my Husband has already changed in myself and my EH. However, there are still things I’m struggling with. I have always worked while being married and been the biggest financial contributor in my EH. Now being a worker at home, I can feel my flesh trying to fight this shift in roles. I know the more I let go of trying to be in control of anything, the easier it will get.

I can admit I am still having a hard time being silent towards my EH and my desire for him to be our spiritual leader. But this chapter really ignited a fire in my heart to really let go and let God speak to his heart (“win without words”). I don’t want to get in the way of what my Husband is trying to do.

Ladies this is a spiritual journey and in order to really enjoy this Abundant Life we have to be willing to give up control. God already has a plan in mind and it is always better than we hope it will be!

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2 thoughts on “Helper Suitable”

  1. I understand. I have and still am the main financial provider in the household and even though it will be hard on my flesh to give up, I am anxiously awaiting to just give it over to my EH when my Beloved says its time.
    Regarding staying silent with your EH. This one was tough for me too! I failed soooo many times and thought to myself “I am never going to make it and I keep disappointing the Lord because I asked for forgiveness so many times, I keep repeating the same mistakes” but thankfully I know deep down that is not His Word and not the truth.
    I often think back to this paragraph from LL “Convicted”

    “Negative feelings of guilt and condemnation are NOT from God.

    Feelings of guilt and condemnation and whatever thoughts that follow are not what the Lord is telling you at all.
    Instead, these negative feelings are lies and something that you need to shake off like a viper.

    These are the same feelings that I sense Adam and Eve probably felt, which is why they hid from God. Because another companion of guilt and condemnation is shame and shame pushes you to hide. Hide from others, hide from God, and hide your sin.

    Yet, this is exactly when we need to go to our Father or snuggle close to our Heavenly Husband. Each and every time we are in trouble due to something we sense we did wrong, we need to run to, rather than away from the Comfort and truth we need.”

  2. Amen!! Thank you for sharing this Elda l had those same struggles and l was also the main provider.. But geuss what? Im so happy to tell you ladies that this is no longer the case!! My HH used a huge trial to change things and turn everything upside down 🙌 EH made the decision to move to a new town where my Husband provided him with a great new job, he moved up miraculously 2 jobs to become a manager in a good company. I read the chapter a lot seeking God for wisdom on how to apply the principles and give back the role of provider and leader back to eh and slowly HE showed me how 🙌 the other chapter i read a lot concerning this is
    l wrote down a lot of the scriptures meditating and renewing my mind 💗 And He has been ever faithful.

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