💔MM:  Have never felt joy at our anniversaries in US

Please leave some encouragement for this bride who filled out an MEQ "Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire." Before commenting, please remember to:

    1. Speak to your Husband, your Maker, to know what He wants to say to this brokenhearted bride.
    2. Keep it SHORT.
    3. Encourage sharing 1-2 Promises.
    4. Bridge to the course He used to lead you along your Restoration Journey.
    5. After 3 MM Comments and the comments are CLOSED for this session, please continue to encourage by confirming what the ministers are saying by replying beneath their MM Comments.
      “Every fact is to be confirmed by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” 2 Corinthians 13:1
    6. When YOU are the final 3 Cord of comments supporting o/o/o/ this bride, please CLOSE this session and paste this at the end: "Thank you, we have a 3 Cord of comments supporting \o/\o/\o/ this bride. This session is now CLOSED."

Please Note: We ask that you reply to this post ONLY if you are an IOU Student working towards qualifying for your Marriage Minister Certificate.

Next to your name, we must see your IOU Level, for example:


United States
What language do you speak?
I'm here:
Seeking restoration for my marriage.
What is your current marital status? Please be sure to choose the one that BEST describes your situation.
Married and my husband lives with me.
Have you read the book "How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage?"
How did you find our ministry?
I was reading Proverbs and was prompted to find out what a contentious wife really was. I googled it and found you. I never thought I was a contentious wife.
Now, please tell us about your situation and why you have come to us for help and what has your husband/partner said are the main issues or problems he has with you and your relationship?
Married 48 years. Have never felt joy at our anniversaries. They are more like mile posts on a long and painful journey. I would like to receive some endurance medals of accomplishment. I Prefer to be apart from my husband because life is less painful and less contentious and less volatile. Raised four sons, three are married to amazing loving women. Four grandchildren and one more on the way.
In my marriage I am not called by my name, as I have stated I want several times. I feel like I have no name, no voice and no recourse.
In April 2018 God gave me two scriptures. Psalm 46:10 be still and know that I am God… and Psalm 23:6 goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
I have done a lot of work on the be still part and I rarely get yelled at anymore. I am encouraged by the promise of goodness and mercy.
I am so frustrated and barely say anything to my husband anymore. Don’t any of my thoughts, needs or opinions matter? Is he the only important person in our marriage? We have the least upheaval if I say little or nothing.
We have done a lot of moving and I am weary of that. I am the bookkeeper for his businesses and I am weary of that as well.
He has a hard time when I disagree with him “stop arguing with me!” He doesn’t like it when I ask questions to be able to clarify what he is saying or expects of me. I don’t believe God just wants me to shut up and do what I am told. I am not a slave or a child or his employee.
Truth be told I just want my marriage to be over even though I know God hates divorce. I have spent decades praying God would fix it, and now I am just weary and want it all to be done and over with. And yet I don’t know if I could endure the shame and humiliation of divorce.
Please use the space below to simply speak to God, in your own words, pouring your heart out to Him.
You know my pain and heartache and frustration. Thank You for all the help You have given and all Your encouragement. I am so weary and so lonely. I want to be accepted and acknowledged for who I am. I yearn to be valued as a person and not as an owned object. Please help me be who you want me to be. Turn our hearts and make us pleasing in Your sight. Help me to care what You think and stop being a self pitying people pleaser.
Bless You and praise You always
In order for us to minister more effectively to you, please check what concerns apply to you:
Abused or molested as a child.
Finally, please choose how you would like us to conduct your Marriage Evaluation from the choices below.
Posting your questionnaire Publicly on Encouraging Women.

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4 thoughts on “💔MM:  Have never felt joy at our anniversaries in US”

  1. Dear Sweet Bride
    Oh how my heart hurts. I see after many years God has led you here. Praise God your family is united. I would encourage you to first beginning reading “How God can and will restore your marriage.” https://encouragingbookstore.com/women-resources/wrym/.

    In my journey, many years on now even though it seems like yesterday when the pain was at its peak and I was desperate, You have been given a gift in your spouse. The lesson that I have had to learn and unfortunately relearn in my pride is here https://hopeatlast.com/c3/day-15-chapter-7-chaste-and-respectful/.

    I thought I was respectful, how could I disrespect when I am such a great wife and mom? Well let me tell you this is journey is a breaking down to the core of who God created us as women to be and it is a joy unthinkable when we honor our God above ALL things. No matter our EH (earthly Husbands) response to us. Let your once quiet husband begin to little by little share his heart as we seek (HH) our heavenly husband.

    After 48 years, let God bring you more joy they you can possibly know as you seek him and Let go of any expectations, or ask any questions of EH and continue to Seek God alone. We are SG (seeking God) with you as you diligently give it all to him. As someone who is divorced this will not answer any questions you have but it will cause increasingly more heartache than you can possibly know.

  2. Dear Bride,
    “Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in GOD’S sight” 1 Peter 3:4
    I know how you feel. I have been there. But when I started to follow this principle to be “worthy in His eyes and not to be worthy in someone elses eyes (yes, my Earthly Husband as well), God started to move my heart their hearts. Something I tried for years and couldn’t do it by myself.
    Please read the book.
    It opened my eyes in so many ways.
    Give all to God, soon you will love you Heavenly Husband with all your heart and you will see the love for your husband through God’s eyes.
    Don’t give up!

  3. Dear Precious Sister, i would encourage you like Annabeth to read “How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage” in fact l highly recommend it!

    You can read the 1st Chapter here https://hopeatlast.com/c1/d1-chapter-1-my-beloved/

    And then move on to our Course 1 which is based on the book too https://hopeatlast.com/c1/.

    It sounds that like me you have been searching for answers and that like me God led you here. I found the answers l desperately needed and l promise you just reading the 1st chapter and applying what you learn will change things around. Its all bible based and filled with scripture and that is what surprised me the most.

  4. “Thank you, we have a 3 Cord of comments supporting \o/\o/\o/ this bride. This session is now CLOSED.”

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