News that broke my heart 💔

Today I heard some news that broke my heart. I called my mom in law to find out if she had traveled to stay by my sister in law as she has just had a baby girl. I have been blessed with an amazing mom in law she is very motherly and always there when we need her the most.

She shared some news that my brother and sister in law are headed for divorce… I was so shocked because they witnessed everything that happened during my separation and divorce but they also witnessed how God Restored 🙌

I think my Beloved Heavenly Husband knew l was going to receive this news as l had plans to go out but then decided to stay home.. After the call I took my time speaking to Him sharing how l felt then l decided to put on my Love Songs to listen to while i showered because l had decided to rather spend the morning with Him taking a leisurely shower and then blow out my hair instead of being rushed to go out.

While l was in the shower l broke down crying because my heart hurts for my brother (he is also going thru relationship issues) and my brother in law…

I felt heavy with hurt because this is family… And l understand how hurtful it is to go thru this type of heartbreak 💔 especially when there is kids involved as my mom in law shared her greatest concern is for my 2 nephews.

But l also know for a fact that this is what the Lord uses to get our attention so l know that He will use this for GOOD to draw them close to Him.

Ladies if you ever come across a woman or a male family member that is going thru marriage or relationship struggles or crisis please remember that He has given us the Ministry of Reconciliation .

I knew in my heart as l cried in the shower that what they need is Him. Only HE can take away the hurt and the pain and the heartache and the disappointment. My heart ached because HE is the solution to all our problems but because we turn our backs on Him HE cant help us.

When we live our lives separately to the Lord we encounter all kinds of issues and troubles.. Especially when we dont know His word then we are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Or we have financial problems because we dont know the importance of tithing…

My life has become really peaceful and l am happy, truly happy because of everything l learned, lots of biblical principles found in many of our books and on many of our sites. I want everyone to experience the same joy and peace. l love to hear about what you have learned, the biblical principles you are applying and how its changed your life and l love praising the Lord with you for it!! 🙌

My mom in law asked me to please speak to my brother in law because she knows l do Marriage Ministry but l know that step 1 is to go to my Beloved Heavenly Husband to ask HIM what do l say and what to share. What words of comfort to give.

I know that He will use this for GOOD and there was a time l would have tried to go off and help in my own strength and been really anxious but now l know that l just need to rest in Him and stay close to Him so that He can do His healing work 💗

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13 thoughts on “News that broke my heart 💔”

  1. Thank you for sharing Atarah! It is very true we must always go to our Husband before saying or doing anything. The principles that we learn and the promises written in His word remain true. We must always follow His way to receive the peace and joy you spoke about.

    1. Yes Elsa its so true because theres nothing we can do in our own strength to fix someone elses marriage 🙏

  2. Thank you for sharing Atarah. It indeed is a disheartening news. But God is still in control. I remember things got really worse when my second baby was born and now I feel that the enemy is really taking advantage of that timing to destroy families because of how vulnerable we could be. If only I could put on the “armor of God” at that time. I agree – “God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love God.” I hope we all come to love Him and be used by Him.

    1. Amen so true Gioia but like you said despite our ignorance He is still so wonderful in his love towards us and so merciful and full of grace… still using it for good 💖

  3. Oh Atarah, this is heartbreaking 💔
    I know how you feel because my sister has been having marriage problems and the other day her husband finally picked up his things and left the house. She seems to not want him to come back and they both want to start divorce papers. I’ve shared the ministry with both of them when they came to me about it but they continued to set it aside and do things their own way or the way of the world. It’s so heartbreaking but I had to be reminded that this is their journey and He is using this to get heir attention and I need to stay out of His way. It’s so hard to do but I’m willing and waiting for what He wants me to do or say too like you are and not go on my own strength and understanding like I did before. The good thing is I learned recently that it does feel so much better to be lead by Him and not stress about it. He is in control ❤️

    1. You know Ruby thank you for sharing this because l believe that He is showing me the same… To share the resources and the hope in Him. But what if… What if one or both are not interested? Its a question im asking Him but like you l know that l need to leave them in His hands because they each need to travel their own journey. As this unfolds l will continue to share 🙏

  4. …….And thank you for the link you shared above, Atarah! This is a wonderful chapter to read and reread again.

    1. Yip!! when l heard the news l started reading it again but l want to finish reading before l speak to any of them.

  5. It is very heartbreaking indeed Atarah because it really hurts when a family is going through such, but like you have said and cried out to our Husband He knows the plans He has for them, at the right time one of them will definitely want to go to the resources you have shared with them.
    Am also a a point where am just resting in Him completely after my EH has been speaking about the divorce over and over again and made it clear he wants us to go our separate ways.

    1. Oh Sonia my dear what you said is so true! Im soo sorry for what you are going thru but lm also so glad and thankful you are here with us and that you are learning each day and growing closer to you HH because HE is all you need 🤗❤️💗

  6. Yes Atarah and thank you, am so grateful that my HH for has lead me to this Ministry, I have learnt a lot of His principles which I apply in my daily life

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