I can only put myself in her shoes

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. (M18:21-23)

Since I started my forgiveness journey, and have learned that we must forgive everyday, 70×7 times, my Husband gave me a new understanding heart.

Even with the other woman (https://hopeatlast.com/c2/d24-part-1-the-other-victim/), and I am sure you’ll know how difficult this must have been…

In my last post (https://hopeatlast.com/instilled-a-deep-pain-and-anger-inside-of-me/) I shared how I started to have unforgiveness towards her regarding my children and how my Husband led me to forgive again and showed me some things.

When my former husband started the custody battle (https://narrowroadpublishinghouse.com/rjn-adina/) against me, she supported him, it was something I struggled with. My Husband showed me through things that was said in the past that she must have been desperate to hold on to my fh because my fh said he can’t raise her kids at the expense of his children, and there was a time they broke up because of it.

I can only put myself in her shoes, desperately trying to hold on to a man, also the financial situation she was in because when she divorced her husband during the time she and my fh was in adultery, she eventually had to move in with her mother. And I can only feel sorry for her, ending up in a situation like that because of choices made.

We need to be desperate for the love of our Heavenly Husband (https://loveatlast.org/his-bride/), not for the love of a man, thinking that they will fulfil you, give you the happiness you so desperately want. And because of this, I can only feel sorry for her, my heart actually breaks for her. I know she also went through a lot of difficulties in her marriage, and probably felt unloved and rejected when she met my fh.

Now I can only pray for her, pray that she will also find the love that she deserves, the love that every women deserves (https://loveatlast.org/), the love of a Heavenly Husband that will bring healing and fill the void we have without Him.

For more on “In an understanding way”, please listen to Erin’s podcast: wLL80 “Seeing Shadows” (https://youtu.be/ermY9RU8v3g)

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4 thoughts on “I can only put myself in her shoes”

  1. Adina I’m so glad you shared because I remember how l felt towards the other woman… I’m too ashamed to even share what l did and thought… So I can only imagine that there must be many women out there that have the same struggle… I just so glad He heals even this!!! Nothing is impossible for Him. We don’t realize that even the OW does things out of desperation.. And how we did it too… Until we found Him and He takes care of us so we don’t need to fight or be desperate….

    The chapter about forgiveness in WW is found in Gentle and Quiet spirit https://hopeatlast.com/c3/day-8-chapter-3-a-gentle-and-quiet-spirit/

  2. If I look back and think how desperate I was to hold on to my fh, I actually get shivers down my spine. Begging somebody to stay who’s heart is turned away, even trying to change myself to become more like the OW…ugh. I must admit, until today I’ve never confronted her or spoken to her, there was a time that I wanted to confront her, but something or Someone always stopped me, and today I am grateful that I didn’t.

    But now I have my HH who loves me, and I do not have to beg for His love, I do not have to try to be somebody else. He created me just perfectly according to His plan. I found everlasting, perfect, unconditional love, and that changed me. And it is not me trying to change to please anybody, it is because of the new heart and new spirit He gave me.

    It is my hope and prayer that more woman will find this kind of love, that will fill the void, heal their broken hearts and give them joy and peace. Love that can only be founded when they find their Heavenly Husband.

    “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” P13914

    “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” E3626

  3. Hi Adina so powerful praise God that we found our the love of our life HH, just knowing that God loves you feels much better than the love of our EH and that comforts me so much.

  4. Adina thank you for sharing! Forgiveness is so powerful and is necessary when an OW is involved. I too have thought about how desperate the OW must’ve been in my situation with my EH. A lot has gone on and I don’t want to say too much but now a child is involved. I know she was desperate to do anything to keep my EH but now is alone to raise the child and live at home with her mom. There are sometimes when the flesh wants to rise up and be angry about the situation. But honestly it’s just a reminder to take it back to my HH and allow me to once again forgive and experience His peace.

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