Sharing as a Marriage Minister ❤️‍🩹 My EH refused to go for Councilling

My EH did not want to go for marriage counceling or maybe l should say refused to go for for marriage counceling…

Hello brides 🤗 today l would like to share the lesson Day 25 Counseling & Psychology which is in Course 2.

I felt so hopeless when my marriage fell apart.. Nothing l tried to do helped or suggest helped.

After reading this lesson l understood and l was so glad looking back that we did not go for marriage counceling.

I don’t want to share too much but l want to encourage you to read the lesson and seek God speak to the Lord about it 🙏

Day 25 Counseling & Psychology

If you have read this lesson please come and share or if you are further along in your journey also come and share to encourage the newer brides 💕

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3 thoughts on “Sharing as a Marriage Minister ❤️‍🩹 My EH refused to go for Councilling”

  1. Thank you for sharing Atarah, I also wanted to go for marriage counselling, thinking that would help. Maybe it was out of desperation and not knowing better. Today, after everything I’ve learned since finding RMI and that specific lesson, Day 25 Counseling & Psychology, I can look back and be grateful that my fh refused. It would have done more damage than good. We have a Counsellor, HE is the best, available 24/7 and it will cost you nothing and He has our best interest at heart, He is the only one that can act or do anything in our situations. He is just waiting to help us, guide us and comfort us, but best of all, He is our Heavenly Husband !

  2. Thank you for sharing dear Atarah, after getting divorced I went for counseling and it did much more harm, I remember going to this one lady from church and she told me that I was taken advantage of as child which I can not remember and when I asked her but isn’t it more my twin sister whereby she said no and that left me with so many questions because I do not remember anything and I also remember going to somebody that said such bad things about my EH that I walked out because I didn’t want them praying for me and later me and my EH also went to see a few people out desperation and it really did more harm and caused so much blaming. Today my Darling Husband is my Counselor, the Best ever.

  3. Thank you Adina and Janine for sharing your experiences. Yes HE is our Wonderful Councilor and He is the best!! Why not speak to Him? His available 24/7 and does not cost a cent.

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